

>"都知事選 無党派層の支持 百合子、石丸、蓮舫の順に 蓮舫さんなんでやああああああ"

>"今井絵理子議員、彼氏と喧嘩して3月末から欠席していた国会に出席… 反省の態度を示す"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/23)


> 菅義偉前首相が自民党千葉県連大会で講演。
> 岸田内閣の支持率低迷を念頭に「国際的にも国内的にも極めて大事な時に政権を渡すような事は絶対してはならない」と。
> は?
> それで石破茂氏支持?
> あるいは加藤勝信氏?
> 元総理なら中国とも対峙できる "国を守れる政治家"を担ぎ出したら?

Former PM Suga Yoshihide lectured at the LDP Chiba branch convention.
With the Kishida Cabinet's low approval ratings in mind, he said that "We must absolutely not hand over power at this extremely critical time both at home and abroad."
You therefore supports Ishiba Shigeru?
Or Kato Katsunobu?
As a former prime minister, why not put forward a "politician who can defend the country," who can even confront with China?

>"自民・菅義偉前首相「政権渡してはならない」 不記載事件は「心からおわび」"


> あらゆる意味で岐路に立つ日本。
> 警鐘を鳴らし続け、保守岩盤層の期待の星でもある高市早苗氏。
> だがマスコミ調査では "女系天皇容認"の石破茂氏が必ずトップとなる。
> 女系天皇や夫婦別姓実現を願うマスコミ期待の石破氏。
> 勿論そうなれば皇統は途絶して世界最古の王朝は終わり、日本に家族がバラバラの苗字を名乗る時代が来る。
> どの国がバックに?
> 考えるだけで恐ろしい

Japan is at a crossroads in every and each meaning.
Takaichi Sanae, who has continuously been sounding alarm and is a rising star among the conservative solid base.
But in media surveys, Ishiba Shigeru, who "tolerates female-lineage emperor," always takes the top place.
Ishiba is the rising star of mass media, which hope for a female-lineage emperor and separate surnames for married couples.
Of course, if it were realized, the imperial line would be cut off, the world's oldest dynasty would come to an end, and an era in Japan would come in which family members would have different surnames.
Which country is backing this up?
It's frightening to only think about it.



> 毎日調査で "次の首相にふさわしい人"は1位石破茂氏 20%、2位高市早苗氏9%、3位上川陽子氏、4位小泉進次郎氏と続く。
> 河野太郎氏は6位。
> FNN産経に続いて毎日でも上川氏と高市氏の順位が入れ替わった。
>"女系天皇 & 夫婦別姓"の石破氏が本当に次の総理なら自民は歴史的大惨敗だろう

In the Mainichi survey, the question of "who is most suitable to be the next prime minister" was answered as follows: Shigeru Ishiba came in 1st with 20%, Sanae Takaichi in 2nd with 9%, Kamikawa Yoko in third, and Koizumi Shinjiro in fourth.
Kono Taro came in sixth.
Following FNN-Sankei, in the Mainichi, rankings of Kamikawa and Takaichi replaced mutually.
If Ishiba, who tolerates "female-lineage emperor & separate surnames for married couples," is really the next prime minister, it would be a historic devastating defeat for the LDP.

>"「次の首相にふさわしい人」 石破氏 20%、高市氏9% 世論調査"


> そこまで言って委員会で呉江浩駐日大使の "火の中に連れ込まれる"発言が俎上。
> 中国版 SNSでは日本への核攻撃の動画が溢れ "現代中国人の使命は日本人を神の元に送る事だ"との提言にも拍手喝采。
> 私はそんな中での呉発言を今の中国の状態と併せて解説。
> 迫る日本の生存を脅かす危機

In a program of "Sokomade Itte Iinkai," Chinese ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao's remark of "the Japanese people will be led into a pit of fire" was tabled for discussion.
Social media in China is overflowed with footages showing nuclear attack on Japan, and even a suggestion that "the mission of modern Chinese persons is to send the Japanese people to God" is met with applause.
I explained the remark made by ambassador Wu in this context, along with the current circumstances in China.
It's the inminent crisis that threatens the survival of Japan.

>"そこまで言って委員会 NP 大谷から世界のリーダーも!上半期名言暴言大賞!"


> 国会で官僚ペーパー棒読みを続け、更に追及を受けるとシドロモドロになる上川陽子外相。
> 遂に新聞も取り上げ始めた。
> 島田洋一氏は「生気なき棒読みの上川。"このおばさん、ダメだねえ"が今や定まった評価。次期首相どころか早く外相から降ろすべき」と。
> 国家観なき "典型的"宏池会議員に改めて呆れる

FM Yoko Kamikawa, who continuously read bureaucrat-papers monotonely in the Diet, and when questioned further, she becomes "incoherent."
Finally, the newspaper starts to pick her up.
Yoichi Shimada X-posted that 'FM Kamikawa reads is monotonely without spirit. "This old lady is no good" is now the established grading. Far from the next prime minister, she should be removed from her position as Foreign Minister ASAP.'
I'm once again astonished at the "typical" Kochikai Diet member Hiroike, who has no national ideology.