
>"【フジ】街でもバズる石丸伸二氏 都知事選ルポ「国政政党と無縁だからこそ… 東京、日本の政治を変える」ボランティア希望は 4000人に"

> 石丸伸二氏が猛追、都知事選に異変 「小池 vs 蓮舫」の構図崩れる

Translation; The first weekend since the Tokyo gubernatorial election was announced = policy-measures battle is preferable, while excessive number of candidates is embarrassed

>"都知事選、告示後初の週末 政策勝負を、乱立に困惑も"

> 東京都知事選は 22日、告示後初の週末を迎えた。
> 過去最多 56人が立候補し、選挙ポスター掲示板の枠が足りなくなる異例ずくめの選挙戦。
> 有権者は何を望むのか。
> 買い物客や観光客らでにぎわう街では、政策勝負を求めたり、候補者乱立に困惑したりする人の姿が見られた。

June 22 marked the first weekend since the Tokyo gubernatorial election was announced.
It's an unprecedented election campaign -- a record highest 56 candidates have run which makes space on election poster boards insufficient.
What do the eligible voters want?
In the streets bustling with shoppers and tourists, some expected policy-measures battles, some were embarrassed by the sheer number of candidates.
The battle to choose the "face of the capital" will be votes casted and counted on July 7.

> 20日告示の都知事選。
> 少子高齢化や災害対策など課題が山積する中、各候補は子育て支援や格差解消などを争点に、支持拡大を訴える。
> 東京・秋葉原でジョギングをしていた台東区の会社役員の男性(58)は「話題先行にならず、政策で勝負してほしい」と話した。

The Tokyo gubernatorial election, which was announced on June 20.
Amid a mountain of problems, such as the declining birthrate and an aging population and disaster prevention measures, each candidate has been appealing for support by making child-rearing support and eliminating disparities the main issues.
A company executive (58) in Taito Ward, who was jogging in Akihabara, Tokyo, said that "I want the candidates to compete on policy measures, not on topics."

> 約1万4千カ所あるポスター掲示板の一部には、政治団体の活動により、同じ人物のポスターなどが多数張られた。
> 裸同然の女性のポスターを張った別団体の候補者は、都迷惑防止条例違反容疑で警視庁に警告を受けた。
> 政見放送は11時間以上となる可能性がある。
> 港区で期日前投票をした会社役員の男性(70)は「関係のない人物や内容のポスターが大量に張られていて迷惑だ」と憤った。

As a result of activities of political organization(s), numerous posters of the same person are put up on some of approx. 14,000 poster boards.
A candidate from another organization, who put up posters showing an almost naked female was warned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for suspected violation of Tokyo's Anti-nuisance Ordinance.
Political broadcasts may last for more than 11 hours.
A 70-year-old company executive, who voted in advance in Minato Ward, was outraged, saying that "Many posters showing unrelated persons and the contents are put up, it's therefore a nuisance."