Ref.>"【話題】『中国人を都知事にする気?』→ コメント殺到…"


>"前川喜平氏「蓮舫さんを慕う後輩はたくさんいる。小池百合子さんには1人もいない」→ 反応『センスのない悪口』『それは貴方の願望』"

> 原爆の真実ーオッペンハイマーはなぜ死んだのか(後編-①) 西村幸祐 AJER2024.6.22(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/22)


> 今年の G7サミットはイタリア開催だったからでなく、メローニ首相がいつの間にか EUの中心人物になっている事に気づいた人もいるだろう。
> 3年前頃、彼女は〈極右〉と蔑まれ鼻つまみ者扱い。
> それが今や欧州の中道だ。
> 日本の主力次期戦闘機は日英伊の三カ国共同開発。
> 素晴らしいタイミングだ。
> 安倍晋三総理時代の遺産が、都知事選を見れば解るが、かろうじて今の崩壊しつつある日本を守っている。

It's not due to that the G7 summit this year was held in Italy, some may have noticed that Italian PM Giorgia Meloni has somehow become a central figure in the E.U.
Around three years ago, she was scorned as a [radical-rightist] and looked down upon.
But now, she is a moderate in Europe.
Japan's next-generation main fighter jet is being jointly developed by Japan, the U.K. and Italy.
It's an excellent timing.
As we can understand by watching the Tokyo gubernatorial election, the legacy of PM Shinzo Abe's period is barely defending Japan, which is currently on the verge of collapse.

> 天皇皇后両陛下の英国公式ご訪問を控え、バッキングガム宮殿前の1キロの並木道マル(ママ)に日の丸掲揚。
> 国賓としてのご招待でチャールズ国王ご夫妻と馬車でパレード、晩餐会も行われる。
> 国旗を合わせるため日の丸縦横比はユニオンジャックと合わせた1:2のレア版になっている。

Ahead of the official visit of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress to the U.K., the Hinomaru flag are hoisted on the one kilometer tree-lined avenue in front of Buckingham Palace.
They are invited as state guests, and there will be a parade in a horse-drawn carriage with Charles III and his wife, and a banquet will also be held.
To match the national flag, the aspect ratio of the Hinomaru flag is a rare 1:2 version that matches the Union Jack.



> 男系である皇位を継承する為の繋ぎ役が推古天皇を初めとする過去の女性天皇。
> 当たり前の常識を確認しよう。
> 繋ぎ役がいたのに男系で繋ぐ皇位継承者が0になる時を予測し男系から閑院宮家を創設したのが江戸時代の叡智、新井白石。
> 実際 69年後に後桃園天皇の皇位継承者がいなくなり傍流の閑院宮家から光格天皇が即位した。
> 新井白石の叡智が令和の今、求められている。

Past female emperors, including Empress Suiko, were "bridges" to ensure the male succession to the Imperial Throne.
Let's confirm this common sense.
Arai Hakuseki, a wise man during the Edo period, predicted a time when there would be no male successors to the throne, even though there were bridges, and founded the "Kan'innomiya family" from the male line.
In fact, 69 years later, when there were no more successors to the throne from the Emperor Gomomozono line, Emperor Kokaku ascended to the throne from the sideline "Kan'innomiya family."
Arai Hakuseki's wisdom is needed now in the Reiwa era.



> ナザレンコさん、これ始めて見たけれどウクライナの CMですか?
(* Andrii Igorovich) Nazarenko, I views this footage for the 1st time, is this a Ukrainian commercial?



> 前川喜平君、君に言いたいのは、右傾化より幼稚化、魯鈍化の方を遥かに憂慮したいという事。
> それを君の幼稚な頭が証明している。
> まぁ、その前に右傾化、左傾化という言葉の定義ができる知能が君にはないと思うけどね。
> ところで、文科官僚の退職金、いつ返還するの?

"Love on the beach" (* aka Kihei) Maekawa, what I want to tell you is that I want to worry about becoming childishness & slowness much more than becoming right-leaning.
Your childish brain proves that.
Well, in the first place, I don't think you have the intelligence to define the words "right-wing" & "left-wing".
By the way, when will you return your retirement benefit as a bureaucrat of the MEXT!?



> その通りです。
> 前川喜平が文科省のトップで教育行政を牛耳っていた。
> 日教組の方がマシだった可能性もある。
> 前川喜平が文科省で 階段を上っていく課程で、教育委員会と教科書検定制度が左傾・反日化した事が大きい。
> フランクフルト学派の共産主義者の教科書通りの破壊工作を官僚機構で行った訳ですね。

You have a point.
"Love on the beach" (* aka Kihei) Maekawa controlled educational administration as a top at the MEXT.
It would've even been possible that the Japan Teachers' Union was better than that.
It had a great impact that when "Love on the beach" (* aka Kihei) Maekawa was climbing the ranks at the MEXT, the "Board of Education" & "Textbook Screening System" became "left-leaning" & "anti-Japan."
He conducted sabotages at the bureaucracy just as the same as the communists of Frankfurt School.
