Ref.>"憲法改正反対派が拡散した マンガ、「ぐうの音出ないくらい正当な手続き」を踏んでいて読んだ人からツッコミ殺到"


Translation; To delete the Clause-2 of the Article 9 and stipulate possession of the SDF = the lawmakers league has compiled its original draft to revise the Constitution

>"自民、9条2項削除で自衛隊明記 議連が独自の改憲案"

> 自民党の「憲法改正推進議員連盟」(会長・衛藤征士郎元衆院副議長)は 21日、国会内で総会を開き、憲法9条改正を含む独自の改憲条文案を取りまとめた。
> 独自案は戦力不保持などを定めた9条2項を削除し「日本国は、わが国の平和と独立を守るため、自衛隊を保有する」と明記した。
> 党執行部への提出を検討している。

The intra-LDP "lawmakers leag
ue to promote constitutional revision" (correct name in English is unknonw, chaired by former LH vice Speaker Eto Seishiro) held a general meeting in the Diet building on June 21, and compiled its original draft of provisions of constitutional revision, including to revise the Article 9.
Their original proposal deletes the Clause-2 of the Article 9, which stipulates that Japan doesn't maintain forces, while instead stipulates that "Japan possesses maintain the SDF in order to defend the peace and independence of our state."
It has been considering to submit this to the party executives.

> 自民は 2018年、9条について1項、2項を共に維持した上で、別立ての「9条の2」を新設し「自衛隊保持」を明記する条文案を取りまとめている。
> 21日の総会には二階俊博、石破茂両元幹事長ら約20人が出席。
> 議連の独自案には大規模災害時の内閣の権限強化などを盛りこんだ緊急事態条項も記載した。

In 2018, the LDP compiled a provision-draft article -- newly establishes a separate "Article 9-2" while maintain both Clause 1 & 2, that stipulates "possession of the SDF."
Around 20 persons attended the general meeting on June 21, including two former Secretaries-General Nikai Toshihiro and Ishiba Shigeru.
The organization's original draft also includes an emergency clause that would strengthen the cabinet's powers in an event of a large-scale disaster.