

>"【物価高対策】電気代補助を一時再開 & 年金生活者・低所得者への給付金 岸田首相が表明へ"

> 2024年6月 21日 高市早苗経済安全保障担当大臣 記者会見

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/21)


> 中国が今度は台湾独立を目指す "分離主義者を処罰する指針"を公表。
> 最高刑は死刑で「頑固な台湾独立支持者が国を分裂させ、分離独立の犯罪を煽動した場合は法律に基づき厳しく処罰し、国家主権、統一、領土を断固として守る」と。
> 中華民国はあなた方が建国した時、既に国連安保理常任理事国で、あなた方より 37年も前にできた国ですよ。

China this time released its "guideline for punishing separatists," who seek Taiwan independence.
The maximum penalty is the death penalty, saying that "Any staunch Taiwanese independence supporters who 'split the country' & 'incite the crime of separatism' are severely punished according to the law, and 'national sovereignty', 'unification' & 'territory' are resolutely defended."
The 'Republic of China' was already one of P-5 of the U.N. Security Council, when you founded your country, which was founded 37 years earlier than you.
When it comes to "independence," didn't you become independent from the Republic of China in 1949, did you?

>"中国、台湾独立派の処罰で指針公表 最高刑は死刑"


> 岸田首相が夕方の会見で電気料金補助の一時再開や年金生活者への給付金など物価高対策を表明する、と FNN。
> は?
> 緑を潰し、自然破壊を続けるメガソーラーを stopする為にもまず再エネ賦課金廃止では?
> この人は世の中の "何が問題なのか"を知らないまま総理を降りる事になりそうだ

FNN reported that, at an press briefing in the evening, PM Kishida would expressed measures to combat rising prices, such as the temporary resumption of electricity subsidies and cash payments to pensioners.
In order to stop mega-solar power plants that continuously ruin greenery and and destruct greenery, he should abolish renewable energy surcharge at first, shouldn't he!?
It seems that he will likely step down as prime minister without ever understanding "what the problems" are in the world.



> 防衛相時代に自衛隊施設の電力にできる限り再生可能エネルギーを導入していく方針を決定していた河野太郎氏。
> 国家電網 "ロゴ"事件では、危うく日本の電力の生殺与奪を中国に握られるところだった事も判明。
> 全て "中国の為"?
> その政治家が "次の総理"の上位に必ず来る日本。
> あまりにノー天気すぎませんか

Taro Kono, who fixed a policy during his Defense Minister period to introduce renewable energy sources as much as possible to electricity used by SDF facilities.
In the case of "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China, it even turned out that China was on the verge of seizing the right to make live or kill Japan's electricity.
It's all for "China's sake," isn't it!?
Japan, there this politician is always ranked high as the "next prime minister."
You are being a bit too carefree too much, aren't you!?



> ニコニコ動画への大規模サイバー攻撃で改めて対策の重要性を知った国民。
> 能動的防御を唱え続け、著書まで出していた高市早苗氏の懸念通り。
> だが「国としてのサイバー空間対策は碌にせず、欧米で問題視されている TikTokなど問題アプリを放置。肝心の問題に取り組まず、愚策を指摘されると"所管外"」と平井宏治氏。
> 早く高市総理を実現しないと彼の国のやり放題が続く

The nationals have once again realized importance of countermeasures due to the large-scale cyber attack on Nico Nico Douga.
This is just what Sanae Takaichi has concerned, who has long advocated active defense and even published a book on the subject.
However, Hirai Koji X-posted that 'As a state, it has taken almost no counter-measures on cyberspace, while leaving problematic apps such as TikTok, which are problematized in the Western countries. When the foolish policies are pointed out, it always replies "out of my jurisdiction," while not tackling with what does matter problems.'
Unless we realize PM Sanae Takaichi ASAP, that country's "doing whatever they want" will continue.
