Ref.>'【画像】ベトナム人に物件を貸した結果、 "大麻ファクトリー"に魔改造されてしまう…'


>"【サッカー】 W杯最終予選の日韓別組に安堵する韓国メディアに同国ファンは苦言「いつから日本を怖がり始めた?」"

>"自称 G8の韓国に資格はあるのか 尹大統領、中央アジア歴訪の裏事情 G7ゲスト国にもなれず… マスコミの攻撃回避に必死"

>「ゴジラー1.0」が示した日本的価値の重要性。(前半) 西村幸祐 AJER2023.12.30(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/21)


> 韓国の反応は完全におかしいでしょ。
> ま、でも「風立ちぬ」は宮崎駿の本音も小出しに描かれていたと思います。
> 多くの零戦が並んで飛行するシーンがあったでしょ。
> あのシーンには宮崎駿は本音を込めたね。

S. Korea's reaction is completely strange.
Anyway, but I think that Miyazaki Hayao's true feelings were also portrayed a little bit in "The Wind Rises."
There's a scene in which many Zero fighters fly side by side.
Miyazaki Hayao embedded his true feelings into that scene.



> ゴジラ-1.0に想像通りの反応。
> やはり韓国は異常な国だ。
> これだけ異常なのは反日ファシズムと言える日本ヘイトに洗脳されているから。
> 日本になると対象を客観的に捉え相対化する事が困難になる。
> 日本サヨクと同じ反応なのが面白い。
> 一方、日本と戦った米国人が敷島の戦いに感激し涙を流す。

The reaction to "Godzilla Minus One" is as expected.
S. Korea is indeed an abnormal country.
The reason why it's so abnormal is that they have been brainwashed by "Japan hate," which can be described as anti-Japan fascism.
When it comes to Japan, it becomes difficult to objectively view the subject and put it into perspective.
It is interesting that their reaction is the same as that of the leftists in Japan.
Meanwhile, Americans who fought against Japan are moved to tears by the "Battle of Shikishima."

>"「反戦映画」か「戦犯美化」か… 元特攻隊員がゴジラを退治、韓国で賛否分かれる"


> メディアを信用する異常な民族が日本人。
> 世界的世論調査で、どの国でも社会的信用が低い機関、職業は、議会、政治家、メディアになる。
> 最も信頼できるのはどの国でも自国の軍隊で警察より高い。
> 日本も最近は自衛隊が1,2位に。
> だが新聞、TVの順位が高いのは日本だけ。
> 自衛隊を正式な軍隊にしないとね。

Japanese people are an unusual people, who trust the mass media.
In opinion polls around the world, in every country, the "institutions" and "occupations" with the lowest social trust are "parliament," "politicians" and "media."
In every and each country, the most trustworthy is the national forces, which is higher than the police.
Even in Japan, the SDF recently takes 1st or 2nd place.
However, Japan is the only country where newspapers and TV take high places.
We need to make the SDF into a formal forces.



> ベトナム共産党はプーチンを迎え入れるのはいいが日本に犯罪者予備軍を送るのは中止だ。
> ベトナム人犯罪者激増です。
> またベトナムの民主化活動家弾圧をやめなさい。
> 数年前ベトナムの民主化活動家と同席した会合に遠山満のお孫さんが来たが、彼は感激してアジア解放の志士の孫に駆け寄った。
> この写真はアジア初のノーベル文学賞を受賞したインドの詩人タゴールと招待した遠山満。
> 昭和10年頃か?

It's no problem for the Communist Party of Vietnam to welcome Russian President Vladimir Putin and make him enter the country, but it should stop sending potential criminals to Japan.
The number of Vietnamese criminals is increasing steeply.
In addition, stop oppressing Vietnamese democratization activists.
A few years ago, Toyama Mitsuru's grandson came to a meeting where I was present with a Vietnamese democratization activist, and he was so moved that he ran up to the grandson of the Asian liberation patriot.
This photo shows Toyama Mitsuru, who invited the Indian poet "Rabindranath Tagore," the st Asian person to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Was this around 1935?