
>"【動画】プーチン大統領、金正恩氏とドライブ → 公園お散歩"

>"在日3世さん、無償化不要の根拠を暴露… 朝鮮学校、設立時に『自費運営する』と一筆書"

>"港区、朝鮮学校に通う児童を持つ家庭の保護者に対し補助金支給 → 新藤加菜区議「差別です。廃止の方向で見直しを求めています」"


> N. Korea, Russia agree to offer military assistance if one under attack

Translation; Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't exclude weapon-support to N. Korea, while suggestion "less than an alliance"

>"対北朝鮮武器支援排除せず ロシア大統領「同盟未満」も示唆"

> ロシアのプーチン大統領は 20日、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記と19日に署名した「包括的戦略パートナーシップ条約」に基づき、北朝鮮への武器支援を「排除しない」と述べた。
> 訪問先のベトナムで記者団に語った。
> ロ朝の軍事協力に改めて意欲を示す発言で、日米韓を含む各国の懸念が一層膨らみそうだ。

On June 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin said not to "exclude" weapon-support to N. Korea based on the "comprehensive strategic partnership treaty" he signed with General Secretary of the WPK in N. Korea, Kim Jong-un, on June 19.
He said so to reporters in Vietnam to where he was visiting.
It's the remark to once again show his will for Russo-N. Korea military cooperation, it's therefore likely that each country's concern, including the U.S., Japan and S. Korea will be intensified further.

> 金氏は今回の条約によってロ朝関係が「同盟に引き上げられた」と表明したが、プーチン氏は「同盟」の言葉を使わず、「同盟未満」だとの認識を示唆した。
> 条約によってウクライナに北朝鮮の兵士が投入される可能性については「誰にもそれを要請しないし、必要もない」と否定した。

Kim Jong-un expressed that Russo-N. Korea relations was "upgraded to an alliance" due to the treaty this time. However, Putin did not use the word "alliance," while suggesting his recognition that it's "less than an alliance."
Concerning the possibility whether or not North Korean troops will be sent to Ukraine due to the treaty, he denied that, saying that "Nobody request that, and there is no need for that."