
>"「病院前大乱闘」逮捕されたクルド人が日本に再入国 → 小野田紀美議員が始動「シャットアウトせねば」"

>"【話題】『新宿駅歌舞伎町の立ちんぼさん、外国人さんが増加して、ちょっと東南アジアみたいになる…』 (※動画)"

>"【話題】『国民健康保険料 912,230円 めっちゃ高いんだけど… 不法滞在外国人の医療費無料とかに怒ってもいいですか?』"

> 台湾有事勃発か?解放軍はどこから上陸するのか?

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/20)


> 泉健太代表が「負の遺産一掃解散を」と提出した立憲の内閣不信任案は自公等の反対多数で否決。
> 立憲、維新、共産、国民民主が賛成したが及ばず。
> 最後まで疑心暗鬼が消えなかった解散・総選挙も決着。
> 夏予定の内閣改造も求心力のない今となっては極めて困難。

A motion of no confidence in the cabinet submitted by CDPJ leader Izumi Kenta, urging "to dissolve the Lower House aiming to clear away the negative legacy," was dismissed by a majority voting by the LDP, Komei Party, etc.
The CDPJ, Nippon Ishin, JCP and DPFP voted for that, but it was insufficient.
The "dissolution" and "general election," about which doubts lingered until the very end, have also been settled.
A cabinet reshuffle scheduled for the summer will also be extremely difficult given the lack of unifying power.
He became prime minister saying he "wants to manage personnel matters," but in the end he can't even manage personnel matter, can he!?

>"【速報】岸田内閣不信任案を反対多数で否決 泉氏「負の遺産一掃解散を」自民は「禁止禁止の野党は無責任」と反論"


> 昨年7月、川口市立病院前でクルド人約100人が起こした騒動。
> そのきっかけとなった殺人未遂事件で逮捕されたクルド人(25)が強制送還後、今年5月に再入国していた事が判明。
> 2度目の入国の際は入管施設で "帰りたくない"と暴れ、入国できた、と。
> 信じ難い。
> その後、また強制送還に。
> この大失態で入管トップは責任をとったのか。
> 一罰百戒。
> 国民に処分結果を明らかにし、2度と緩んだ仕事を見せるな

The troulbe, which was caused by around 100 Kurds in front of Kawaguchi municipal hospital in last July.
It turned out that a Kurd (25), who was arrested for attempted murder which ignited the fuss, re-entered into Japan in last May after being deported.
At the time of his 2nd entering into Japan, he caused a ruckus at the immigration facility, saying that "I don't want to go home," and was then allowed to enter the country.
It's incredible.
He was then deported again.
Did the immigration bureau's top official take responsibility for this huge blunder!?
The punishment should serve as a warning to the public.
The results of the disciplinary action should be made clear to the nationals, and they should never again show slack work.



> 中国を知り尽くす石平氏が「総裁候補の中で高市さんだけが安倍元首相の遺志をきちんと受け継ぐまともな政治家であり、中国の脅威に立ち迎える唯一の愛国の士。もし彼女が総裁になれなければ、それは自民党の死を意味する。自民は別にいいが高市さんに頑張って欲しい」と。
> さすが専門家。
> いちいちご尤も

Sekihei, who knows China everything, X-posted that "Among the candidates for LDP president, Takaichi is the only decent politician who properly succeed the will of former PM Abe, and the only patriot who will stand up to the threat of China. If she can't become LDP president, it will mean the death of the LDP. Even though I don't care about the LDP, I expect Takaichi to do her best."
As expected, he is an expert.
His every and each word has a point.



> 安倍晋三元首相の命日に著書を出版する高市早苗氏。
> 溢れるように政策が飛び出す高市さんらしい。
> ニコニコへの攻撃でも分るように、大規模かつ、くり返し行なわれるサイバー攻撃に警鐘を鳴らし、著書を出して防御策を示していたのも高市さん。
> "高市早苗さんと歩む九州の会"で高市さん自身も話していたが、この先見の明には脱帽

Takaichi Sanae, who will publish a book on the date of the death of former PM Shinzo Abe.
It's typical of Takaichi, who comes up with an abundance of policy ideas.
As we can see from the attack on Nico Nico Douga, it was Takaichi who has rung alarm about "large-scale" and "repeated" cyber attacks, and published a book outlining defensive measures.
As Takaichi herself said at the "Walking with Takaichi Sanae association in Kyushu," I take my hat off to her foresight.
