
>"【都知事選】桜井MIUさん「本人が自分のポスター貼ってみた!」→ ひろゆき氏「これが合法なんて世も末」(※動画)"


> 日本共産党 蓮舫氏の写真を使って活動資金を募る「夏季募金へのご協力をお願いします」が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/20)


[Please share]. Nothing will happen if you do not report a violation of the Public Offices Election Act.

> 順法精神ゼロのソビエト蓮舫
> ソビエト蓮舫の行方はどう?
> 選管は取り締まりできないので明らかな選挙違反を有権者は警察に届けて下さい。
> 民主主義を守る第一歩です。
> 事前運動3要素に全て違反なのは共産党の通常業務か?
> 全て事前運動3要素。
> 公職選挙法違反の届け出を

Soviet-Renho has zero law-abiding spirit
What will become of Soviet-Renho?
Since the Election Commission can't crack down on this, voters should report obvious election law violations to the police.
This is the first step in protecting democracy.
Is it normal business for the JCP to violate all three elements of pre-election campaigning?
1. Tokyo gubernatorial election
2. Renho
3. Financial support
All three elements of pre-election campaigning.
Please report violations of the Public Offices Election Act



> この問題は深刻です。
> 有村さんの例だけでなく、著名な政治家でないごく普通の一般人が、共同通信のヘイト記事や捏造記事の被害者になる事が十分考えられます。
> それを防ぐ方法やスキームの確立が急務です。
> イデオロギーや政治偏向しない独立系組織によるメディア被害の情報共有システムが必要です。

This is a serious problem.
It is sufficiently possible that not only UH lawmaker Haruko Arimura's case, but also ordinary persons who are not well-known politicians could become victims of Kyodo News' hate articles and fabricated articles.
There is an urgent need to establish methods and schemes to prevent that.
We need an information-sharing system on media-damage run by an independent organization that isn't ideologically and/or politically biased.
