
>"【動画】コンビニ ATMの使用を巡りトラブル… 自転車の男性をはね殺害しようとしたブラジル人男女を逮捕"

> 高市早苗 経済安全保障担当大臣「さっぽろ自民党政経セミナー 2024」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/19)


> だが産経は「夫婦別姓ではどちらかの親と子が別姓。子供の姓をどうするのか。祖父母らも絡み、いさかいや分断が起きる。住民票や運転免許証、パスポートなどで旧姓を併記できる制度も広がる。経団連はわが国の夫婦同姓の意義を国際的に発信し問題解消を」と。
> ご尤も。
> 世界一精緻な日本の戸籍制度を破壊したい理由は?

Keidanren, which has proposed the early realization of "selective separate surnames for married couples."
However, The Sankei Shimbun argued that "With separate surnames for married couples, one of the parents and the child will have a different surname. What will the child's surname be? Grandparents and others will get involved too, which could lead to a conflict and division. The system of allowing a maiden surname to be written on resident registration card, driver's license, passport, etc. is even spread. Keidanren should communicate the significance of same surnames for married couples in Japan internationally and resolve this issue."
It has a point.
Why does it want to destroy Japan's family registry system, the most sophisticated in the world?

>"<主張>経団連「夫婦別姓」 家族の呼称をなくすのか"


> 靖国神社に小便をかけた男への包囲が狭まっている。
> 中国で SNSアカウントが停止され、運営会社に抗議に行く男。
> 岸田 "弱腰"政権に代わり、仮に高市早苗政権ができれば毅然とした外相が起用され、ICPO(国際刑事警察機構)を通じて国際手配もあり得る。
> 礼拝所不敬 & 器物損壊罪、いや国民の名誉を踏みにじる罪はそれほど重いという事

The siege is tightening around the male who urinated on Yasukuni Shrine.
His social media account has been suspended in China, the male is therefore goint to the company that runs it to protest.
If a Takaichi Sanae administration replaces the "weak-kneed" Kishida administration, a firm foreign minister will be appointed, and even an international arrest warrant may also be issued via the ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization).
"Disrespect for a place of worship" and "damage to property," no, it means that the crime to violate the honor of the nationals is serious so much.



> 各地で大反響が続く〈高市早苗さんと歩む会〉だが、仙台では会場の関係で "日曜の夜"という人が集まりにくい悪条件。
> それでも国を憂う人々には沢山来て頂きたく思います。
> 伊達政宗の根拠地で日本復活への狼煙を!

A joint lecture by "Takaichi Sanae" & "myself" will be held on July 21 in Sendai, the "City of Trees."
The [Walking with Takaichi Sanae], which continuously casue overwhelming responses in various locations. However, in Sendai, due to the venue's situation, it will be held on Sunday night, which is bad condition to make it difficult to gather in large numbers.
Even so, I hope that many persons, who are concerned about the country, will come.
Let's send a signal for Japan's revival in Masamune Date's base!