Ref.>'円安が止まらない原因、みんながやってる "あれ"だった…'

>"山上被告に「完全責任能力あり」 精神状態争わず、安倍元首相銃撃"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/19)


> 経歴詐称で東京地検に小池知事を刑事告発した小島敏郎氏の会見の最中に、カイロ大の元副学長で名誉教授をやった人物が「カイロ大の者ですが、卒業証明書は本物です」と、小島氏に反論。
> カイロ大では小池知事の2年後輩。
> 当時キャンパスでも見かけたことがあり、カイロ大が不正をやったかのように言われていることに激怒。

In the middle of a press conference by Kojima Toshiro, who filed a criminal charge against Tokyo Gov. Koike with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office for faking her academic record, a former vice president and professor emeritus at Cairo University counterargued against Kojima, saying that "I'm from Cairo University, and her graduation certificate is genuine," he said.
At Cairo University, he was two years junior than Governor Koike.
He had seen her on campus around that time, and is furious that it's said like that Cairo University had committed fraud.

>"小池都知事を "最側近"が刑事告発 会見でまさかの展開「カイロ大卒業している」証言飛び出す"


> 公約合戦は現職である小池知事の圧勝。
> 蓮舫氏は「底の浅い公約+界隈の要請」ばかりで、見るべきものなし。
> 蓮舫氏の「パートナーシップ宣言の異性間適用」に至っては、東京都民なんて眼中になく結婚制度を解体したい左翼の要請じゃないか。
> 公約も田母神俊雄さんがいちばんまっとう。

In the election pledges battle, sitting Governor Koike won by a landslide.
Renho's promises are nothing but "shallow promises + requests from that circle," there are therefore nothing worth to see.
As for Renho's "application of the partnership declaration to opposite-sex relationships," it's a request from leftists, who wants to dismantle the marriage-system, without any consideration to the residents in Tokyo.
They attempt to include matters like "maiden names cannot be used at the U.N." in rare cases.
When it comes to election pledges too, Tamogami Toshio's is most reasonable.

>"都知事選、公約発表 少子化対策競う 争点、明確な差なく 小池氏は第1子保育無償、蓮舫氏は多子世帯に補助"


> よく気がつきましたね。
> 蓮舫氏の公約は、小池知事の「0を目指します」よりもっと詐欺的で、その多くが、結果が出ようが出まいがつっこまれないように抽象的にごまかしたものばかりです。
> 全国で注目される選挙の有力候補の公約としては最低レベルです。

You are great to have noticed that.
Renho's election pledges are even more deceptive than Gov. Koike's "I will aim for zero," and many of them are just vague and evasive so that she won't be grilled whether or not she will realize them.
These are the lowest level of pledges for the leading candidate in an election that is paid nationwide attention.



> 蓮舫さんを支援する人たちだそうだ。
> なんかすごいぞ。

They are allegedly persons supporting Renho.
That's somehow amazing.