Ref.>"オール沖縄完全崩壊:辺野古反対・玉城デニー知事大打撃 沖縄県議選、反知事派が過半数"


>【沖縄県議選特番 第5弾】民意は「基地問題」より「暮らしと経済」か!?玉城県政「与党」大敗!【沖縄県議会議員選挙】

Translation; The MoD notified to start the full scale work in Henoko, while displeasure is unavoidable (* but weakening)

>"辺野古、本格工事8月着手と通告 軟弱地盤海底くい打ち、反発必至"

> 米軍普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜野湾市)の名護市辺野古移設を巡り、防衛省が8月1日以降、大浦湾側の海底の軟弱地盤を改良する本格工事に着手すると県に通告したことが18日、県への取材で分かった。
> 計画では約7万本のくいを海底に打ち込む。
> 本格工事入りを巡って県と協議中だったが、防衛省はこの日、メールで県に通告した。
> 辺野古移設に批判的な民意は根強く、さらなる反発を招くことは必至だ。

Over the relocation of U.S. Marime Corps Air Station Futenma (Ginowan City, Okinawa Pref.) to Henoko in Nago City, it turned out in a coverage to the Pref. authority that the MoD notified the Pref. authority to start a full scale work to improve the soft seabed ground on the Oura Bay side on Aug. or later.
It's planned to drive about 70,000 piles into the seabed.
Coordination with the pref. authority over star of the full scale work was underway, but the MoD notified the pref. authority by an e-mail on that day.
Public opinion critical to relocation to Henoko is deeply rooted (* but declinig), further backlash is unavoidable (* but fading away).

> 16日投開票の沖縄県議選で、辺野古移設に反対する玉城デニー知事を支持する議員が、過半数を割り込んだ。
> 玉城氏の求心力が低下するとみて、防衛省は今後、工事を加速させるとみられる。

Assembly members supporting Gov. Denny Tamaki, who opposes to relocation to Henoko, becomes less than half in the Okinawa Pref. assembly election casted and counted votes on June 16.
It seems that the MoD will accelerate the work from now on, as it forecastes that Tamaki's centripetal force will decline.