Ref.>"フィフィさんが "素朴な疑問"「公職選挙法も守れない人が公約を守れるの?」"



>"【話題】選挙に行く理由… 昭和「日本をよくするため」→ 平成「日本をよくするため」→ 令和「◯◯◯にするため」"

>(ゆっくり)悲報 ラサール石井大炎上!「蓮舫都知事なら朝鮮人虐殺の慰霊が復活!!」

Translation; Whether or nor you have an intention to send it = a questionnaire will be done to Tokyo gubernatorial candidates regarding an eulogy on the (* excessively exaggerated) Korean massacre.

>"朝鮮人虐殺の追悼文でアンケート 都知事候補へ、送る意思あるか"

> 関東大震災後に虐殺された朝鮮人らを追悼する式典の実行委員会は17日、衆院議員会館で記者会見し、7月の東京都知事選の立候補者に対し、毎年9月1日に行われる追悼式典で、知事として追悼文を送る意思があるかどうかアンケートを実施すると明らかにした。
> 結果は HPに掲載し、有権者の参考にしてもらう。

On June 17, the organizing committee for the ceremony to commemorate (* excessively exaggerated) Koreans massacred after the Great Kanto Earthquake held a press conference at the LH Diet building. They revealed that they would carry out a questionnaire to candidates for the Tokyo gubernatorial election in July, asking them whether or not they would be willing to send an eulogy as governor at the (* fake) memorial service ceremony held every year on Sept. 1.
The results will be posted on the website for voters to refer to.

> 2016年まで都知事が寄せていた追悼文を、小池百合子都知事は17年以降送付していない。
> 小池氏は「(追悼式典とは別の都慰霊協会主催の大法要で)全ての方々に哀悼の意を表している」としているが、実行委員会などが批判していた。
> 宮川泰彦委員長は「誰が知事になっても追悼文を送ってもらいたい」と話した。

Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike (* excellently) hasn't sent an eulogy, which Tokyo Governors (* erroneously) sent by 2016, since 2017.
As a reason for non-delivery, Gov. Koike explained that she expressed her deepest condolences to all those who lost their lives (at the grand Buddhist Memorial Ceremony, which is separately held by the Tokyo Irei Kyokai (Tokyo Metropolitan memorial association). However, the organizing committee and so on (* unfairly) criticized her.
Organizing committee chairperson Yasuhiko Miyagawa said that "No matter will be be elected as the Governor, we expect he or she not to send an eulogy and never accept the faked number of 6,000 or more (* not we expect he or she to send an eulogy).