Ref.>"Chinese Company Logo: Excessive Activities of Govt Discussion Forum Are Concerning"


> 阿蘇山の麓にあるメガソーラー施設への苦言「日本が壊れて行く…」が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/17)


> 再エネをやるのなら「持続可能性」が重要なのに、賦課金でドーピングして拡大させるのはおかしいだろう。
> 賦課金を減らすのが持続可能性を高めることじゃないのか。
> 太陽光の FITはいま現実の料金より低い。
> 今集めている賦課金は、菅直人氏と孫正義氏が最初に決めた FIT42円というべらぼうな金額のせいで急造されたメガソーラーなどのぶんがかなり大きい。
> 計画性のないメガソーラの多くがこの時期のもの。
> 民主党政権の悪夢はまだ終わっていない。

In order to use renewable energy, "sustainability" does matter. However, it's irrational to expand it by doping it with a surcharge.
Reducing the surcharge is actually increasing sustainability, isn't it?
The FIT for solar power is currently lower than the actual rates.
A large portion of the surcharge currently collected is for mega-solar power plants that were hastily put together due to the outrageous FIT of \42, which was initially decided by Naoto Kan and Masayoshi Son.
Most unplanned mega-solar power plants date back to this period.
The nightmare of the DPJ administration has yet been over.

> 同意します。
> 原発の代わりをさせようとメガソーラを建設すると、自然破壊につながり、「どこが持続可能だ」という話になります。
> 太陽光発電は都市型発電や休耕地活用としては優れているし、蓄電池と組み合わせればもっと使えるものになるのに、メガソーラを野放しにしてここまで嫌われるものにしてしまって、何を考えているんだという感じです。

I agree with you.
Constructing mega solar plants to replace nuclear power plants will lead to environmental destruction, which makes people think "how is it sustainable!?"
Photovoltaic power generation is excellent for urban power generation and utilizing fallow land, and if combined with storage batteries, it can be even more useful. Nevertheless, I wonder what they are thinking that letting mega solar plants run wild and making them unpopular so much.



> 経産省が原発の増設を認める検討に入る。
> これは全面的に支持したい。
> このまま老朽原発を廃炉にしたら、原発がどんどん減って、電気料金は上がる一方。
> エネルギー高騰に一番効くのは、原発再稼働と増設。
> まずは全工程が完了した柏崎刈羽原電の再稼働について、新潟県知事にはコンセン> サスを早くまとめていただきたい。
> 米山隆一氏(新潟5区)が住民投票を提案していたけど、東電管轄の原発を新潟の方たちが積極的に賛成するわけがない。
> こちらは頭を下げてお願いする立場。
> 反原発派ばかり投票するのは目に見えている。
> 最近の米山さんは外面ばかりで、本当に無責任だよ。

The METI has started to consider allowing the expansion of nuclear power plants.
I fully support this.
If we continue to decommission aging nuclear power plants, the number of nuclear power plants will decrease and electricity prices will one-sidedly rise.
The most effective way to deal with rising energy prices is to "restart" & "expand" nuclear power plants.
First of all, I would like the Niigata governor to quickly reach a consensus on the restart of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant, which has completed all of its work.
LH lawmaker Ryuichi Yoneyama (CDPJ, Niigata Constituency 15th) proposed a referendum. However, there is no way that the Niigata residents will actively support the nuclear power plant under the jurisdiction of the TEPCO.
We are in the position of bowing our heads to make a petition.
It's obvious that only anti-nuclear faction will vote.
Recent Yoneyama is all about appearances and is therefore really irresponsible.