Ref.>'自民・麻生氏、"政治活動にはコスト" パーティーなど理解求める'



> 中国企業のデータセンター建設増加によるリスクは1つだけではありません。

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/16)


>"アメ横の異変"を報じる ANN。
> 中国人を中心に次々外国人に買収されていく店舗。
> やがて不動産を買い占め、生活基盤を構築してコミュニティを広げ、独自の文化圏を築いていく。
> 足立区や江東区にも大規模なチャイナタウンが生まれているそうだ。

ANN, which reports on the "strange happenings in Ameyoko."
One after another, stores are being bought up by foreigners, mainly Chinese.
Eventually, they buy up real estate, construct living bases & expand their communities, and create their own cultural spheres.
Large Chinatowns are allegedly emerging in Adachi Ward and Koto Ward too.
How do you hear to the shout that "Japan is being taken over by foreigners"?



> 今日の「高市早苗さんと歩む九州の会」の会場で〈勝手に高市早苗さんを応援する会〉の動画が披露されていた。
> 感動の3本。
> 私の講演の前だったが、見入ってしまった。
> 拡散希望。
> 今の "日本の危機"がわかります

The footages created by the "association to unofficially support Sanae Takaichi" were screened at the venue of "Kyushu association walking with Sanae Takaichi" today.
Three moving footages.
Even though in prior to my lecture, I was fascinated by them.
Please share them.
You can understand the "crisis in Japan" in nowadays.



> 佐賀県唐津市での「高市早苗さんと歩む九州の会」も大盛況!
> 早々と応募を締め切った理由は「椅子の数が足らないため」だったそうだ。
> 各地での圧倒的な人気は今日も…
> 保守派の声なき声を本日もしっかり聴かせて頂いた。
> 自民党の不甲斐なさが逆に "保守派の星"高市氏に期待が集中する理由であることを痛感

The "Kyushu Association Walking with Sanae Takaichi" in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture was a huge success too!
The reason for closing applications early was allegedlty "due to the insufficient number of chairs."
The overwhelming popularity in various locations was the same today too...
Today, I once again fully listened to the voiceless voices of conservatives.
I keenly felt that the LDP's incompetence is the reason why expectations are focused on the "star of conservatives," Takaichi.