Ref.>'点字ブロック塞ぎ演説で炎上の立憲議員、謝罪文で "自己 PR"してしまい再炎上'

>'【都知事選】蓮舫氏、 X民から "外国人参政権 & 朝鮮学校無償化実現"を期待される'


>【放火の脅迫】内藤陽介が「差別の当たり屋」 をぶった斬る!

Translation of X (* tweet) by Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki, on '24. 6/16)


> 差別が無くなると飯の種が無くなるので、必死で差別を作り上げて、些細な問題を大問題として取り上げる。
> 無知で正義感の強い一般人も正義の側に立つ気持ち良さで参加する。
> 綺麗事を言いながら涙流しちゃう人とかね。

There are persons, who ostensibly say "let's eliminate discrimination," actually make ends meet by using discrimination as a tool.
If discrimination were to disappear, they would lose their income, so they desperately create discrimination and make trivial issues into serious problems.
Even ignorant ordinary persons with a strong sense of justice participate in it, because it feels good to be on the side of "righteousness."
For example, they are the ones, who cry while saying fine-sounding talks.
