Ref.>'【悲報】最近の京都、外国人観光客から "本当の日本"扱いされなくなってしまう…'

>"【話題】『コロンブス』MV炎上 →「J-POPは国際的人権感覚がない。その点 K-POPは…」"



Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 6/16)


> 昨日は朝イチの飛行機で宇部空港へ。
> 長門市に移動し、先週の「棚田支援に関するプロジェクトチーム」で話題となった東後畑棚田を視察。
> 夕暮れ時の方が素敵な写真が撮れるどのことですが、空と海のブルーと棚田のグリーンが素敵です。
> これからも中山間地の棚田をしっかり守ってまいります。
> 同じく長門市でいつも藤本社長にお世話になっている蒲鉾のフジミツ大感謝祭にお邪魔しました。(続く)

Yesterday, I took the first flight and went to Ube Airport.
I went to Nagato City and inspected the Higashi Ushirohata rice terraces, which was the topic at the "Rice Terrace Support Project Team" last week.
It's allegedly possible to take better photos at dusk, but the blue of the sky and sea and the green of the rice terraces are wonderful.
I will continuously protected the rice terraces in the middle mountainous area.
In Nagato City too, I attended the Kamaboko Thanksgiving Festival of Fujimitsu, with which I'm always supported by President Fujimoto. (to be continued)

> 気を取り直して向かったのは光市。

(to continue) Next, I went to Sanyo Onoda City and gave a speech at the LDP Sanyo branch regular general meeting.
(At this point, I said in a wrong way that Kitaro).
I pulled myself together and headed to Hikari City.
(I will post more later)

> 山陽小野田市。
> 挨拶の中で、地元の民話「三年寝太郎」を引き合いに出して話をしたのですが、一番最後だけ、「三年鬼太郎」と言ってしまったようです。

Sanyo-Onoda City.
In my speech, I made my speech while referring to the local folktale "Sannen Netaro," but only at the last time, it seems to have said "Sannen Kitaro."
(Unconsciously, of course.)
I'm totally obsessed with "The mystery of Gegege"💦
