Ref.>"Yasukuni Shrine: How to Balance Welcome and Vandalism Risks"

>"東京新聞『立民・泉健太代表、蓮舫氏は「自主的に応援していく」』→ 泉代表「見出しが誤解のもと。立憲民主党は蓮舫さんを全面支援します!」"

>"町山智浩氏「裏金&統一教会の荻生田議員から自民党党員に『蓮舫の当選を阻止せよ』との指令が発せられた!」→ お笑い芸人「カルトの言いなりの都政が出来上がる!」"

>【頂上決戦】中国人「靖国神社で放尿」vs 韓国人「対馬神社で排泄」【デイリーWiLL】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/15)


> 誰か楊海英氏の怒りに反論できる日本人はいるだろうか↓
> 火葬場を中国に売る日本
> 次は、魂を売るよ。
> だから、靖国神社が中国の人に穢される。売ってはならない物もある!違う?」
> …日本人はしみじみ噛みしめるべき。
> 先人に恥ずかしい。
> 本当に、本当に、申し訳ございません

Are there any Japanese persons, who can refute the anger of Prof. Yang Haiying (* aka Akira Ohno);
"Japan sells temples to China. Japan sells crematoriums to China. Next, they'll sell their souls. That's why Yasukuni Shrine was defiled by the Chinese. There are some things that shouldn't be sold! Right?"
...Japanese persons should really think about that.
We are ashamed of our ancestors.
I am truly, truly sorry.



> 2020年まで男性として競技し、21年秋から女性選手となった米のリア・トーマス選手。
> 22年3月にはNCAA(全米大学体育協会)を制覇するなど活躍したが、スポーツ仲裁裁判所(CAS)はトランスジェンダー選手を女子のカテゴリーから実質的に締め出すルールを制定。
> 撤回を求める同選手の訴えも棄却し、パリ五輪出場の道は途絶した。
> 骨格がまるで異なる選手によって女性アスリートの権利が奪われる時代を是非 "正常化"してほしい

Lia Thomas (USA), who competed as a male until 2020, but became a female athlete in the fall of 2021.
He (* not she) has achieved fraud (* not great) successes, such as winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in March 2022. However, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has enacted a rule that essentially bar transgender athletes from the "women's" category.
The (* fraud) athlete's complaint to seek to invalid the rule was also dismissed, meaning his (* not her) path to competing in the Paris Olympics is now over.
I hope that we can "normalize" the period when the rights of female athletes are taken away by athletes with completely different skeletal structures.

>"物議を醸したトランスジェンダー競泳選手への判決 女子部門への参戦禁止に元金メダリストは「適正カテゴリーで泳ぐべき」と指摘"


> 有権者に愛想を尽かされた自民の次の選挙は悲惨。
> だが立憲が勝つなら国民が悲惨。
> 例えば森奈津子氏は「今、虹色政党と化した立憲は "体が男でも心が女なら戸籍上も女になれる法改悪"を押し進めている。LGBT教に染まった政党など日本に不要」と。
> 戸籍、皇統、夫婦別姓…

The next election will be miserable for the LDP, which has been abandoned by the eligible voters.
But if the CDPJ wins, the nationals will be miserable.
For example, Natsuko Mori X-posted that 'The CDPJ, which has become a rainbow party, now progresses "bad revision of the law to make it possible for a person to be registered as female, when he is female at heart while the body is male. The political party steeped in LGBT religion isn't necessary for Japan.'
Family registration, imperial lineage, separate surnames for married couples...
"Japan" itself will be destroyed.



> 前回の自民党総裁選でブームを巻き起こしたのは高市早苗氏だった。
> 田村淳氏の 40万人を超えるアンケートは注目を集めたが、結果は高市 57%、河野太郎 27%、岸田文雄12%、野田聖子4%と圧倒的な高市人気。
> だが実際に当選したのは岸田氏。
> この3年間、ツケを払ったのは「日本」そのものだった

In the last LDP presidential election, it was Takaichi Sanae who ignited a boom.
Tamura Atsushi's survey targeting over 400,000 persons was paid attention, and the result showed the overwhelming Takaichi's popularity = Takaichi 57%, Kono Taro 27%, Kishida Fumio 12%, and Noda Seiko 4%.
But it was Kishida, who actually won.
Over the past three years, it was "Japan" itself that paid the price.



> 3年前に高市政権を誕生させられなかった日本。
> その後どうなったかは周知の通り。
> まだ動画は2本だが唸る内容。
> 国際社会の中心にいた日本の7年8ヶ月。

It was Japan, which failed to make the Takaichi administration take power three years ago.
It's well known what happened after that.
The footages created by the "association to unofficially support Sanae Takaichi" exudes that regret.
There are only two footages so far, but the contents are convincing.
Japan's seven years and eight months, when it was at the heart of the international community.
Let's bring back a resolute Japan with a "Japanese (* Margaret) Thatcher."
