
>'蓮舫氏、東京都連の "失礼ペーパー"に嫌味タラタラ「もしかして、私は…」'

>"【動画】記者「蓮舫さん、副知事じゃダメですか?」→ 蓮舫氏「ダメです」"

>"Tokyo Gubernatorial Election: Showdown in Capital Highlights Difficult Political Challenges"

>【櫻LIVE】第607回 - 長島昭久・自民党衆議院議員 × 細野豪志・自民党衆議院議員 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/15)


> テレビに出たがる人にはこういう人が結構混じる。
There are quite a few such persons among those who want to appear on TV programs.



> 結局、立憲共産党。
After all, it's the Constitutional Communist Party.


>"立民・泉健太代表、蓮舫氏は「自主的に応援していく」「オール東京」尊重し、推薦はせず 東京都知事選"


> 眞鍋かをりさんの「蓮舫氏は(国政の話を都知事選に持ち込んで)批判ばかりでうんざり」という発言が炎上するのがおかしい。
> うんざりした人は多いよ。

It's irrational that Kaori Manabe's remark that "Renho always (brings national politics into the Tokyo gubernatorial election) and criticizes that, I'm therefore sick of her" has caused such an uproar.
It's true that "all what she does is criticism," and it's nothing more than personal impression whether you consider it "reliable" or "sick of her." Of course, it's within the range of freedom of expression.
There are many persons who are sick of her.

>"蓮舫にうんざり!で大炎上 眞鍋かをりが週刊文春だけに語った「ココだけの話」"


> 神宮の森と外苑の違いも知らないのに、神宮外苑再開発を選挙の争点にする蓮舫氏。
> 共産党など左翼の言いなりになるだけのもよう。

Even though she doesn't know the difference between Jingu no Mori and Gaien, it's Renho who makes the redevelopment of Jingu Gaien an election issue.
It seems she's just doing what leftists including the JCP tell her to do.

>"蓮舫氏、明治神宮外苑の再開発「立ち止まる」 都知事選争点化の考え"


> 立憲民主党も蓮舫氏も小池知事との差はそんなにないと出馬を決めたそうだが、差はさらに広がっているもよう。
> 愚かなことに、小池知事の最大のネックであれだけ盛り上がっていた学歴詐称疑惑が、二重国籍疑惑のせいでほどんど話題にならなくなった。
> このままだと公示前に勝負が決まるかも。

Both the CDPJ and Renho allegedly decided to run because they thought there wasn't so much difference between them and Gov. Koike. However, the gap seems to be widening.
Foolishly, Gov. Koike's biggest obstacle, the allegations of "educational fraud," that had been causing so much excitement, has almost completely disappeared due to the allegations of "dual citizenship."
If it goes as it is, the outcome may be decided before the election is even announced.

>'〈フライング蓮舫vs AIゆりこ〉「気配消し」「安全運転」の小池陣営、"金縛り"状態の蓮舫陣営からは不協和音も… 首都女帝決戦は思わぬ凡戦も⁉'


> 小池知事が「AIゆりこ」には税金は使われておらず、政治活動の一環としてやっていると述べる。
> どこかの大口寄付だろうか。
> 事前活動にはならないよううまくやっているが、なんかズレている。

Gov. Koike said that no tax money was used for "AI Yuriko," while doing that as part of political activities.
Maybe, it is a large donation from somewhere.
She has been doing it cleverly to make it not be pre-election campaign. However, it's slopped somehow.

>"小池百合子都知事が強調「AIゆりこに税金は一切使われていません」 都の事業ではなく政治活動と説明"


> 立憲民主党が政権をとったら、日本は終わる。
If the CDPJ takes power, Japan will end.
