Ref.>"韓国、初の高速鉄道輸出 KTX、ウズベキスタンへ"



>"「朝鮮学校など外国人学校に無償化適用を」 署名6万筆を政府に提出"


> N. Korea openly sides with Russia ahead of Putin's visit, criticizes Ukraine peace summit

Translation; "Within a few day" = a senior official of the S. Korean government expressed so on visit to N. Korea by Russian President Vladimir Putin, while the basis is unclear

>"プーチン氏訪朝「数日内」 韓国高官が見解、根拠は不明"

> 聯合ニュースによると、韓国大統領府高官は12日、ロシアのプーチン大統領が数日内に北朝鮮を訪問するとの見方を示した。
> 根拠は不明。
> ロシア紙が10日、プーチン氏が数週間内に北朝鮮とベトナムを訪れる予定だと報道。
> 12日には北朝鮮専門サイト「NK ニュース」が、平壌の衛星画像で訪朝受け入れの準備動向を確認したと報じていた。

According to Yonhap News Agency, on June 12, a senior official at the S. Korean Presidential Office showed a future prospect that Russian President Vladimir Putin would visit N. Korea within the next few days.
The basis for this is unclear.
A Russian newspaper reported on June 10 that Putin planned to visit N. Korea and Vietnam within the next few weeks.
On June 12, NK News, a website specialized to N. Korea, reported to have confirmed preparations for a visit to North Korea based on satellite imagery showing Pyongyang.

> 韓国の尹錫悦大統領が訪問中のカザフスタンで、高官が記者団にプーチン氏の訪朝が「数日内に迫った」と語った。
> 対話は、尹氏と中国の李強首相が5月の会談で新設に合意した外務・国防当局の次官、局長級の対話。

In Kazakhstan, where S. Korean President Yoon Suk-yeo. is visiting, a senior official said to reporters that Putin's visit to N. Korea was "within days."
He or she added that "around the same time, there will be diplomatic and security strategy dialogue between S. Korea and China."
The dialogue will be the vice-ministerial and derector-general class in the foreign affairs and defense authorities, which Yoon and Chinese Premier Li Qiang agreed to establish during their meeting in May.