


>"「宗教法人の代表は通常の法人よりも帰化申請が通りやすい」中国人に同行取材してわかった「日本の寺」を爆買いする「驚愕の理由」⇒ ネットの反応「おまけに非課税で優遇されるし… もう既に日本人のための国ではないようだ」「本当に日本はどうなっていくのか…」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/14)


> 連合東京が都知事選で小池百合子知事を支援する事に。
> 連合は立憲の最大支持団体だが、蓮舫氏が連合と対立関係にある共産党との連携を強めている事への不信感が背景。
> 連合内では "次期衆院選でも立憲は共産と共闘するのでは"との警戒感も。
> これで蓮舫氏は文字通り "共産党候補"に

Tokyo branch of the JTUC (Japanese Trade Union Confederation) decides to support Gov. Yuriko Koike in the Tokyo Gubernatorial election.
The JTUC is the largest supporter-organization of the CDPJ, but the background to this is distrust over Renho's strengthening ties with the JCP, which is in conflict with the JTUC.
Within the JTUC, there is also a sense of caution that "the CDPJ will join forces with the JCP in the next LH election."
With this, Renho has literally become a "JCP candidate."

>"東京都知事選挙、連合東京は小池氏を支援… 共産と連携の蓮舫氏に不信感"


> 蓮舫氏の立憲離党で益々、共産色が強まっている。
> 共産党の組織力がなければ広大な東京全域にビラをまく事もできまい。
> 共産 "蓮舫応援"ビラについて立憲は「党としては承知しておりません」と語り、共産党は「発行は事前に立憲民主党都連にお知らせしてあります。写真は立憲民主党都連に提供頂いたものです」と。
> 蓮舫 "立憲共産党"陣営の主導権は共産党が握っているようだ

With Renho leaving the CDPJ, the JCP-influence has been only getting stronger.
Without the organizational-strength of the JCP, it would be impossible to distribute leaflets throughout the vast whole ​​Tokyo-area.
Concerning the JCP "supporting-Renho" leaflets, the CDPJ explains that "As a party, we are not aware of it," while the JCP explains "We notified the CDPJ Tokyo branch of its publication in advance. The photos were provided by the CDPJ Tokyo branch."
It seems that the JCP holds the initiative in Renho's "Constitutional Communist Party Japan" camp.



> だが今回の都知事選は「日本の首都に "最悪"を誕生させない為の選挙」になる。
> 私の周りにも "最悪" & "これって罰ゲーム?"との声が満ちている。
> 絶対に "最悪都知事"を誕生させてはならない

"It's possible to vote to whom you want" is the foundation of democracy.
However, the gubernatorial election this time will be "an election to prevent an emergence of the worst one in Japan's capital."
There are earnest voices calling for "we must defend our country's capital from the CDPJ, the CPJ and SDP."
Even I'm surrounded by many voices that "the worse" & "is this a punishment game?"
We must never allow an emergence of the "worst governor."



> 日本に永住したい中国人は膨大で「財産没収の不安、医療事情の脆弱さ、言論の不自由さなど理由は多岐にわたる。中でも "子供の教育を中国では受けさせたくない"と、習近平式の徹底した愛国教育に不安を覚え、自由に学べる日本で、との富裕層が急増」と現代ビジネス。
> ために帰化し易くなる宗教法人の中国人富裕層向け仲介ビジネスが隆盛とか。
> 何をされても放置の平和ボケ日本。
> 滅ばない筈がない

There are a huge number of Chinese who want to live permanently in Japan.
Gendai Business reports that 'The reasons are wide-ranging -- worriness to be confiscated properties, poor medical conditions, restrictions on freedom of speech, etc. Among them, there is a sharp increase in the number of wealthy Chinese, who are worried about Xi Jinping's strict patriotic education, saying that "I don't want my children to be educated in China," and want them to study freely in Japan.'
Therefore intermediary businesses for wealthy Chinese by religious corporations to make them be easier to naturalize is allegedly thriving.
Japan is a peace at any cost country, that ignores whatever is done to it.
There is no way it won't perish.



> 中国は中国領海に違法侵入した疑いのある外国人を海警局が最長 60日間拘束できる法令施行。
> 尖閣諸島や南シナ海のほぼ全域で勝手に自国領海を主張する中共に周辺国は憤りと溜息。
> 中国は南沙諸島でも比の船舶に放水など威圧行動を繰り返しており、今後関係者の拘束が懸念。
> 世界の "嫌われもの"につける薬なし

China has enforced a law that allows the China Coast Guard to detain for up to 60 days any foreigner, who is suspected of illegally entering Chinese territorial waters.
Neighboring countries are angered and make a sigh as the Chinese Communist Party arbitrarily claims its territorial waters over the Senkaku Islands and almost the entire South China Sea.
China has taken intimidating actions too in the Spratly Islands, including firing water cannons at Philippine ships, and it's concerned that those involved will be detained in the future.
There is no cure for the "disgusted country" around the world.

>"中国、領海侵入の外国人拘束する新法令が施行 日比など緊張のエスカレートを懸念"


> 彼の国に操られた左翼 & 国家破壊運動は洋の東西を問わない。
> だが日本人の平和ボケは頭1つ抜けており、完全利用されている。
> 話し合いは最後の最後まで必要。
> だが "チベット人もウイグル人もモンゴル人もチャイニーズと一緒に酒を酌み交わしたが、結局人権弾圧と民族浄化の悲劇が待っていた"…
> だから命と平和を守る "備え"が必要なのです

The "leftists" and "nation-destroying moves" manipulated by that country can be found in both the Eastern and the Western worlds.
But the Japanese's peace at any cost mind-set is head and shoulders above the rest, while being used completely.
Negotiations are necessary right to the very end.
But "Tibetans, Uighurs (* even they they are muslims!?) and Mongolians drank with Chinese persons, but in the end, the tragedy of human rights oppression and ethnic cleansing awaited them"...
That's why we need to be "ready" to defend lives and peace.
