Ref.>"連合東京、小池都知事支持へ 共産支援の蓮舫氏見送り"


>"立憲民主党・泉健太代表 蓮舫氏を推薦しないことは「十分あり得ます」"

> 蓮舫さん やっぱり「立憲共産党」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/14)


> 韓国海軍の海上自衛隊機へのレーダー照射事件について、当時韓国大統領の文在寅氏の指示だった」と一部の軍人らが非公式に日本側に説明していたことが明らかに。
> 文氏は知る限り悪いことしかしていないな。
> 日本どころか韓国のためにすらなっていない。
> 従北の挙げ句、北朝鮮や中国にすら嫌われるというていたらく。

It turned out that some military personnel unofficially explained to the Japanese side that the FCS radar lock-on case by S. Korean Navy against a Japan Maritime SDF aircraft was "directed by Moon Jae-in, who was the S. Korean president at the time."
As far as I know, all what Moon did was bad things.
He wasn't in the national interest of S. Korea, let alone Japan.
As the resulto of being following-N. Korea, he is even disliked by N. Korea and China.

>"韓国レーダー照射事件で新証言 「文在寅大統領が隠蔽を指示した」 背景に北との癒着"


> 連合東京が都知事選で、立憲民主党を離党した蓮舫氏ではなく、小池知事支援へ。
> 立憲は都知事選で連合を捨て共産党を選んだが、蓮舫氏が離党したので、連合との決裂までには至らなかったか。
> この際、連合は立憲を捨て、心置きなく国民民主党の支援していただきたい。
> 政権がとれるかもしれない時期に、節操なく共産党と組む政党なんて信用できるわけがない。

In the Tokyo gubernatorial election, the Rengo-Tokyo decides to support Gov. Koike, rather than Renho, who has left the CDPJ.
The CDPJ abandoned the Rengo in the Tokyo gubernatorial election and chosed the JCP. However, since Renho left the party, perhaps a break with the Rengo was avoided.
In such situation, the Rengo should abandon the CDPJ and support the DPFP without hesitation.
There is no way we can trust the political party, that unscrupulously teams up with the JCP at a time when it may be able to take power.

>"東京都知事選挙、連合東京は小池氏を支援… 共産と連携の蓮舫氏に不信感"


> 私もその案でしたが、蓮舫さんが立った以上、小池知事と自民党候補が食い合って、結果的に蓮舫氏が勝ってしまうので、独自候補は得策でなくなりました。
I had that opinion too. However, As Renho has run, Gov. Koike and a LDP candidate would compete for votes, and Renho will end up be elected. Therefore an original candidate is no longer a good idea.



> 立憲民主党が蓮舫氏の推薦・支持を見送り。
> ということは、蓮舫氏は共産党や社民党が支持している候補ということで、かつての宇都宮健児氏と同じポジション。
> ・・・かはともかく、立憲は自民がダメでも自分たちが人気がないことは知っているという大人の集団ってことで。

The CDPJ has decided neither recommend nor support Renho.
It means that Renho is a candidate supported by the JCP and the SDP, she is therefore in the same position as the Kenji Utsunomiya in the past.
... Anyway, the CDPJ is a group of adults who knows that even though the LDP isn't good, they themselves aren't popular.

>"立民、東京都知事選で蓮舫氏の推薦・支持を見送りへ 「支援」で政党色薄める"


> 立憲民主党の玄葉氏が BS番組で、政権交代が実現したら首相は野田佳彦元首相が適任、「野田氏は胆力がある。今、一番時代に求められている」と述べる。
> 尖閣国有化を強行して、人民解放軍に尖閣周辺侵入の口実を作った外交オンチの元首相が、立憲ではいちばんまともだという恐ろしい事実。
> 野田首相は女系宮家創設に密かに動いていたし。

In a BS program, LH lawmaker Koichiro Genba (CDPJ) said that, when administrative change is realized, former PM Yoshihiko Noda is proper to take seat of the PM and "Mr. Noda has courage. He is the most needed person in this period."
It's a frightening fact that the former prime minister who was so bad at diplomacy -- who forced the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands and gave the Chinese PLA a pretext for intruding into the Senkaku area -- is the most decent member of the CDPJ.
(Then) PM Noda even secretly took an action to establish a female-line Imperial household.

>"立民・玄葉光一郎氏、政権交代なら「首相は野田佳彦元首相が適任」 党代表と分離案"


> 悪夢
A nightmare.
