
> SC制度実現・高市早苗氏、次の大仕事 独占取材に激白

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Giant opportunity," Minister of State for Intellectual Property Strategy Sanae Takaichi expressed so = UH lawmaker Ken Akamatsu (LDP, comic artist) requested to upgrade support for the contents industry

>"漫画家の自民・赤松健氏がコンテンツ産業の支援強化を要請 高市早苗担当相「大きな好機」"

> 日本文化のブランド化を図る「クールジャパン戦略」を担う高市早苗知的財産戦略担当相は10日の参院決算委員会で、漫画、アニメ、ゲームなどのコンテンツ産業への支援強化について「まさに大きなビジネスチャンスになりつつある。海外展開のみならず、コンテンツを中心とした経済波及効果を拡大する取り組みを進める」と述べた。
> 漫画家出身の自民党の赤松健氏の質問に答えた。
> 赤松氏は「ラブひな」「魔法先生ネギま!」などの代表作で知られる。

At the UH Committee on financial settlement of accounts on June 10, Minister of State for "Cool Japan" Strategy aiming to brand Japanese culture doubling Minister of State for Intellectual Property Strategy, "Sanae Takaichi," said that "This is just becoming a giant business opportunity. Not only overseas development, but also we will work to expand the economic ripple effect centered on the contents."
She replied so to a question by UH lawmaker Ken Akamatsu (LDP, comic artist).
Akamatsu are well know for his masterpieces such as "Love Hina" & "Magic Teachre Negima!"

> 赤松氏は日本のコンテンツ産業は120兆円規模で、半導体産業を上回ることを紹介。
> その上で、政府予算に占める文化予算の割合が韓国の10分の1であることに触れ、「日本は(コンテンツ産業を)十分な予算をつけて推進してるとは言い難い状況だ」と懸念を表明した。

Akamatsu introduced that Japan's content industry is \120 trillion scale exceeding the semiconductor industry.
He then commented on that the proportion of the government budget devoted to culture is one-tenth of that in S. Korea, and expressed concern that "It's hard to say that Japan has been promoting (its contents industry) with a sufficient budget."

> 高市氏は4日に策定された新たなクールジャパン戦略に触れ「日本のアニメや漫画などのコンテンツが日本への興味を喚起する入り口として非常に大きな役割を果たしていると分析している」と説明。
> コンテンツを生かしたインバウンド誘致や海外マーケットに関する情報共有の不足といった課題も指摘されたとした。
> その上で「関係省庁と連携しながら、取り組みを進めていく」と強調した。

Takaichi mentioned and explained the new Cool Japan strategy that was formulated on June 4 that "We have analyzed that Japanese contents such as animetion and comic plays an extremely important role as a gateway to stimulating interest in Japan."
She explained that issues such as using contents to attract inbound tourists and a lack of information sharing regarding overseas markets were also pointed out.
Afterward, she emphasized that "we will progress with this initiative, while cooperating with relevant ministries and agencies."

> 一方、上川陽子外相はマダガスカルを訪問した際、現地の大学生がアニメをきっかけに日本語を学び始めたという声を紹介。
> 岸田文雄首相も「今後、漫画アニメを含む日本コンテンツの魅力を最大限活用しながら、文化外交をしっかり推進していきたい」と述べた。

Meanwhile, FM Yoko Kamikawa introduced a voice of local university student(s) to have started learning Japanese because of anime when she visited Madagascar.
She showed her intention to "use (comic and animation) as an entry point to promote understanding of Japan."
PM Fumio Kishida also said that "From now on, I would like to firmly promote cultural diplomacy while making the most of the appeal of Japanese content, including comic and animation."