
>"韓国紙「韓国のいちご(Kベリー)を世界 26カ国に知らしめた秘訣"

>"韓国紙「伊藤のバイエルン加入で日韓戦が勃発?」 危機感露わ「キム・ミンジェどうなる」"

> 金正恩の母は在日朝鮮人。生母にまつわる「不都合な真実」とは…|花田紀凱[月刊Hanada]編集長の『週刊誌欠席裁判』

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/13)


> 在日コリアンが最も差別され、住みにくい所って
> の順だと思う。
> これを認められない人は嘘つきか馬鹿だ🤔

I think the places where ban-jjokbaris are most "discriminated" & "difficult to live" are
(painful) N. Korea > South Korea > Japan (easy)
A person who can't accept this are either a liar or idiot🤔

> 韓国にいた台湾国籍の人たちが1960-70年代に韓国政府の迫害のせいで涙ながら台湾、日本、カナダ、米国などへ移住した歴史をご存知だろうか?🙄
> その迫害は在日韓国人がいう日本の差別とか冷遇とかのレベルではない。
> 人口が 2/3に減ったくらい。
> 在韓華僑が在日韓国人の有名人に「あなたたちは日本で差別、差別いうが、本国の差別には触れないのか?」と質問した時、何も言い返せなかったというエピソードもある🧐
> そんな韓国を選ぶだろうか?

Do you know the history that in the 1960s and 1970s, Taiwanese persons in S. Korea migrated to Taiwan, Japan, Canada, the U.S., etc. in tears because of the persecution by Seoul?🙄
The persecution was not on the level of "discrimination" and "cold treatment" in Japan that [ban-jjokbaris] talk about.
It was even a degree that the population declined by 2/3.
There is even an episode when a Chinese living in S. Korea asked a famous ban-jjokbari that "You keep saying discrimination in Japan. However, why don't you mention the discrimination in your home country?" and the famous one could reply nothing🧐
Would they choose such S. Korea like?



> これが日韓の国民が望む米国大統領の姿か🙄
> 私は老人虐待だと思う。
> 認知能力のない老人を自分たちの権力を守るために利用しているだけ。
> 正直、慰安婦団体に連れ回れたお婆さんを思い出した。
> 日韓の国民がバイデンを強く望むというのは、日韓メディア報道の結果。
> 怖い怖い😱

This is the kind of U.S. president the Japanese and S. Korean people desire🙄
I think this is "elderly abuse."
They're just using the elderly, who don't have cognitive abilities, to maintain their own power.
Honestly speaking, it reminds me of the halmonis who were taken around by the comfort women organization.
The fact that the Japanese and S. Korean people strongly desire Biden is the result of Japanese and S. Korean media reports.
It's scary, scary😱



> このドラマは一度だけ見たが違和感があった。
> 現代の思想を強引に昔の話の上に上書きしてるような気がした
> またあの時代の朝鮮人留学生たちについて個人的に興味があっていろいろ読んできたが、日本人の中に溶け込んで親友になってるケースは殆どない。
> 特に女性は。
> リアルさがあまりない🙄

I viewed this drama only once, and I felt discomfort.
I felt like that it irrationally wrote a modern idea over an old story.
In addition, I'm personally interested in Korean students studying abroad at that time and read a lot about them, and there were almost no cases where they blended in with the Japanese and became best friends.
Especially the females were so.
It's not very realistic.



> 私は今も宋さんの帰国後の SNSは「やらされてる」と信じたいです。
> あそこまで論調、話が急変するのはやはり変です。

I still want to believe that social media of Song Wen-Zhou was "forced to use" after returning home country.
It is strange that the "tone" and "story" changed so suddenly.

> 宋さんは日本政府の国費留学生になり
> まで貰って生活してたじゃない?🤔
> 留学生の中でも最も経済的に恵まれたケース
> その投資の結果があなた。
> 自分は特別扱いされて、奨学金返済に苦しむ日本人学生を笑うのはどうかと思うよ😮‍💨

Song Wen-Zhou became a Tokyo's government-sponsored student, and lived in Japan even receiving as follows, right?🤔
* Travel expenses to come to Japan
* Around \150,000 per month (no repayment required)
* Tuition exemption
* Prioritized accommodation
* Annual travel expenses to return home
Among foreign students studying in Japan, you were the most financially privileged case.
The result of that investment is you.
I don't think it's right to laugh at Japanese students who are struggling to repay their scholarships, while you are given special treatment😮‍💨