
>"対馬の仏像盗難 官房長官、韓国政府に「早期返還働きかける」/韓国高裁、一審の“韓国の寺の所有権を認める判決”取り消し、日本に所有権の判決に/ネット「竹島もな」"

> 喫煙、ポイ捨て、逆ギレで暴行され 長崎・対馬の神社が韓国人観光客を "出禁"【もっと知りたい!】【グッド!モーニング】(2024年6月8日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/12)


> 對馬の件が話題になってるが、私が初めて日本を経験したのは1998年だ(1週間の1人旅行)
> その 98年の日本と今の韓国を比べたら、今の韓国の方が豊かになってるかもしれない
> しかし公衆マナーは 98年の日本に今の韓国が間違いなく負けてる😟
> でも今の日本も98年の日本には負けてるかもしれない🙄

The case in Tsushima has been a topic, but my first experience in Japan was in 1998 (a one-week solo trip).
If you compare Japan in 1998 with S. Korea in nowadays, S. Korea now may be richer.
However, S. Korea today is definitely inferior to Japan in 1998 in terms of public manners😟
But Japan in nowadays may also be inferior to Japan in 1998🙄

> 以前私が書いた記事だが、現在の移民、入管法、永住資格問題を見るたびに似たような「違和感」を覚えることが多い🤔
The following is an article I wrote in the past. And whenever I look at the current issues of "immigration," "immigration law" and "permanent residency status," I feel a similar "sense of discomfort" many times🤔

>"日本は「怖い国」だって…? ある「在日コリアン」が直面した「強烈な違和感」"


> 十数年前に火炎瓶、鉄パイプを使う武闘派で有名な韓国の労働組合が米国に「遠征デモ」に行ったが、米国警察の前では羊のように大人しかったことが話題になった(みんな失笑)
> 韓国でやるように米国で暴れたら100%撃たれると分かってた思う🤣

A dozen years ago, a S. Korean labor union, which was famous for its militant tactics of using "molotov cocktails" and "iron pipes," went to the U.S. for a "demonstration expedition." However, it became a topic that they were as obedient as sheep in front of the U.S. police (everyone laughed).
I think they knew that if they had on a rampage in the U.S. like they did in S. Korea, they would've been shot 100%🤣



> ええ?!😳

Isn't it "Let's all be equally poor"?😟