Ref.>"韓国に親しみを感じる日本人 48%、過去最高"


>"N.K. leader sends message to Putin marking Russia's nat'l day"

>"N. Korean soldiers briefly cross inter-Korean border, return after warning shots"

> 地元悲願 "佐渡島の金山"世界遺産へ 「滞在3時間から3日間に」観光課題解決の秘策【サンデーLIVE!!】(2024年6月9日)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Naniwa-Wind]. What's the future prospect of UNESCO WCH registration!? -- Sado gold mines and Asuka

>"[浪速風]. 佐渡金山と飛鳥… 世界遺産の行方は"

> 国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の諮問機関が先週、「佐渡島の金山」(新潟)の世界遺産登録について「情報照会」と勧告した。

Last week, an advisory body to UNESCO (* the International Council on Monuments and Sites" (ICOMOS)" recommented "information inquiry" regarding listing of the "gold mines on Sado Island" on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.
It's the 2nd highest appreciation only following "registration." Japan is required to make an additional explanation, and needs to urgently take measures in order for "reversal" at the UNECSO WCH committee at the end of July.

> 7月にも国の文化審議会が国内推薦の可否を判断するとみられるが、佐渡への今回の勧告は世界遺産の壁の高さを感じた。

* As a person in charge to cover cultural assets in Kansai Region, what's concerned along with the Sado is "imperial capitals in Asuka & Fujiwara" (Nara), which is aimed to be listed on UNESCO WCH in 2026.
It's forecasted that the council for cultural affairs of the central government will judge whether or not to recomment domestically. However, the recommendation to the Sado this time make me feel the difficulty in listing on WHC.

> 一方の佐渡は、韓国から戦時中の「強制労働」をめぐり反発が根強い。
> 海を隔てた複雑な関係-。
> 時代は違えど、世界に伝えるべき遺産に変わりはない。

* During the Asuka period, Japan continueously maintained exchanges with China and the Korean Peninsula, despite facing military threats from these countries, and built the foundations of the country.
Meanwhile, Sado faces strong opposition from S. Korea over (* fake) "forced labor" during the war time.
A complex relations across the sea --.
Though the periods are different, they are both heritages that should be notified to the world.