

>"<フランス> 極左のデモ隊がフランス国旗を引き降ろす 「愛国者狩り」始まる ⇒ ネットの反応「これが『共生社会』というものらしい… 日本も移民の暴動に怯えて暮らす日がいつか必ず来る… しかも近いうちにな」"

>"フランス EU選挙で右派が勝利したことで、左派がパリやその他のフランスの各地で暴動を起こす 暴徒たちは民主主義の復活を呼びかけ ⇒ ネットの反応「日本のサヨクと一緒、自分達の思い通りになることだけが『民主主義』という謎論理」"

> パリで極右の政策に反対する若者らが大規模集会 与党惨敗で仏では国民議会解散選挙へ(2024年6月11日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/11)


> 国連の対北朝鮮制裁支援で東シナ海航行中のオランダ軍フリゲート艦に中国軍機2機が旋回飛行を行い、艦載ヘリコプターも接近。
> 中国国防部は「国連任務を遂行すると偽り、他国の管轄下の海空域で武力を誇示し、緊張を生み出し、両国の友好関係を損なった。侵害や挑発には断固対抗する」と。
> それにしても、なぜここまで居丈高になれるのか

Two Chinese military aircraft circled to a Dutch frigate that was sailing through the East China Sea in support of U.N. sanctions against N. Korea, and a ship-based helicopter also approached it.
The Chinese Defense Ministry said that "Under the pretense of carrying out a U.N. mission, it showed off its military power in the sea and air space under the jurisdiction of another country, created the strain and damaged the bilateral friendly relations. We will firmly oppose invasions and provocations."
Anyway, why can it be so arrogant?



>"中国"と "環境活動家"と "利権政治家"の為に日本の国土が蹂躙される太陽光発電事業。
> 福島の例も絶句。
> だが隣の宮城県議会では再エネ事業者に課税する "再生可能エネルギー地域共生促進税条例"で4月1日から業者の営業利益の約2割を徴収し歯止めの1つに。
> 自治体にもやれる事はある。

It's solar power generation projects, which has been ravaging Japanese land for the benefit of China, environmental activists and politicians with vested interest.
The case of Fukushima is also shocking.
However, the neighboring Miyagi Prefectural Assembly has passed a "renewable energy regional coexistence promotion tax ordinance" that will impose a tax on renewable energy business operatoters and collect approx. 20% of the operating profits of business operators from April 1. This will act as one of brakes.
There are things that even local governments can do.
Put a stop to the destruction of the environment with the "Miyagi way."



> 立憲が "性同一障害者の性別の取扱いの特例に関する法律の一部を改正する法律案"を国会に提出。
> つまり "身体が男でも法的に女になれる"という法律だ。
> 森奈津子氏は「戸籍制度の破壊であり、女性の性被害も増加する。今こそ女性・女児を危険に晒す立憲に NO!」と。
> 立憲が力を持てば日本が破壊される所以

The CDPJ submitted a bill to the Diet to amend the "Act on Special Cases in Handling Gender Status for Persons with Gender Identity Disorder."
In short, it is a law "that allows persons with male bodies to become female legally."
Mori Natsuko X-posted that "This is a destruction of the family registry system, and the number of sexual assaults on females will increase. Now is the time to say NO to the CDPJ, which puts females and girls at risk!"
This is the reason why Japan will be destroyed if the CDPJ gains power.



> 数こそ力、数こそ正義を知るイスラム教徒は英バーミンガムのホールグリーンノースで人口の 56.5%を占め、28%の白人を圧倒。
> もちろん選挙でもイスラム教徒が当選。
> いくら警鐘を鳴らしても左翼マスコミと平和ボケ国民には通じない

Muslims, who know that "number is mighty" and "number is justice" make up 56.5% of the population in Hall Green North, Birmingham, in the U.K., far outnumbering the 28% who are white.
Of course, Muslims won the elections.
Kamiyu Takayasu X-posted that "Coexistence has failed, and only invasion has been achieved. This is the true nature of coexistence."
No matter how much we sound the alarm, it doesn't accepted by the "leftist media" and "peace at any cost mindset nationals."



> ショルツ独首相も「独で保護を受けている凶悪犯罪者はシリアやアフガニスタンでも送還されるべきだ。祖国で迫害される恐れがある強制送還対象国でも例外にしない」と頻発する移民の事件に怒り。
> 移民拒否勢力が勝利した欧州議会選挙を見るまでもなく、責任ある国家の領袖は国民の安全が第一。
> 岸田首相は G7でよく学んで下さい

Even German Chancellor Olaf Scholz angered by frequently occurring immigrant-cases, saying that "Big criminals who are protected in Germany should be repatriated to Syria, Afghanistan or so. There is no exception to forced repatriations that may be persecuted in their homeland."
Needless to see the European parliament election, in which immigrant-rejection powers won, the responsible states' leaders prioritize safety of the nationals.
PM Kishida should learn well so in the 2024 G7 Summit.