Ref.>"自民・茂木敏充幹事長、将来の首相に意欲 「やりたいことある」"




> 杉田水脈議員に粘着批判!公金チューチュー 塩村あやか(立憲民主党)内閣委員会 2023年11月14日【龍之介channel】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/11)


> この対比は現実に合っていない。
> 本当に「金に汚い政治家」とは、政策では何もせず、SNSでは「やってる感」をアピールし、有権者にひたすら媚びて、次の選挙で勝つことしか考えていない無能な政治家のこと。
> 何もしないけど選挙では勝つから金が入る一方。
> 本当に駆逐しないといけないのはこのタイプ。

This comparison doesn't match the reality.
A truly "greedy politician" is an incompetent politician -- who does nothing in terms of policies, but only gives the impression of "doing something" on social media, and solely panders to voters, with only one thing on their mind that "winning in the next election."
They do nothing, but win elections, therefore money just keeps coming in.
This is the type of politicians, who really needs to be eradicated.



> 私の印象では8割がこのタイプ。
> このタイプは2割いればいいところ。
> 悪口を言うのは誰でも楽だから、多くが8割に逃げる。

Opposition politicians, who are only criticizing the LDP, are definitely this type.
In my impression, 80% of them are this type.
This doesn't include those, who "point out the specific flaws in the LDP's policies and create & present alternative ones."
At best, it's 20% of them.
It's easy for anyone to badmouth someone, many ones therefore run to the 80%.

> 具体例を言えば、杉田水脈さんを思い出したように叩き始める者と、それに乗って過去の事を蒸し返し始める者は、人気取りしか考えていない無能だと思ってよい。
> 新しい材料などなくてよく(中身に関心がある者ほぼ皆無)、軽薄なマスコミが乗ってくるので、コスパ最高で人気とりができると思っている。
> 本当に無能な政治家はその程度のことしかできないが、実際、こんな程度で有権者は簡単にだませる。

To give a concrete example, you can just think that those who start to bash LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) like suddenly reminding her, and those who jump on the bandwagon and start bringing up matters in the past, are incompetent ones, who only think about gaining popularity.
They don't need any new material (almost nobady is interested in the content), and with the frivolous mass media joining, they think they can gain popularity with the best cost performance.
A truly incompetent politician can only do such matters. But in fact, voters can be easily fooled with something like that.

> ロンドンのウエストエンドで上演される『ロミオとジュリエット』で、ロミオを演じるトム・ホランドの相手役ジュリエットに黒人のフランチェスカ・アメウダ・リバーズが選ばれて、一部に不満の声が上がり、800人以上の黒人俳優が糾弾。
> 面倒な世の中。

In [Romeo & Juliet], which will be performed in London's West End, a black female (Francesca Amewudah-Rivers) was selected as counterpart of "Tom Holland" who will play "Romeo." Some have therefore voiced dissatisfaction, and over 800 black actors denounce that.
What a troublesome world we live in.