Ref.>"「二級市民と言われた気がする」 永住権取り消し反対集会"





Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/11)


> 一級市民 & マジョリティになれる方法教えましょうか?
> でもそれ言ったら「ヘイトだ!」と怒られる🤣

Do you want me to teach you how to become a 1st-class citizen & majority!?
But if I say that, I will be scolded that "it's hate!"



> 永住資格持ってる人たちは「二級市民と言われた気が」するのか🤔
> その発言を聞いた永住資格持ってない私は「三級市民と言われた気が」するよ😳
> 芥川賞作家はリベラルのスピーカーになった気がするな。
> いや、スピーカーに賞を与えたか?🤣

Do persons with permanent residency "feel like they're called 2nd-class citizens"🤔
After hearing that remark, I without permanent residency "feel like I'm called 3rd-class citizen"😳
I feel like the Akutagawa award-winning author has become a speaker of liberal camp.
Or rather, did they give the speaker an award?🤣



> これが大学がお金出して広告出すようなことだろうか?
>➡︎女性議員 61%で一夫多妻制の〈ルワンダ〉と
> どっちが女性にとってより自由で、生きやすい国だろうか😮‍💨

Is this something that a university should pay thereby to advertise?
➡︎[Rwanda], where 61% of the national assemb;y members are females and polygamy is practiced
➡︎[Japan], where 10% of the Diet members are female and monogamy is legal
Which country is more free and easier for females to live?