
>"【FLASH】「おフランスの報告まだ?」今井絵理子議員 SNSリニューアルから1カ月…厳しい「フォロワー人数」と「批判コメント」"


> 竹田恒泰さんが護る会の和田政宗議員・杉田水脈議員のエールに応える

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 6/10)


> 昨日は後援会限定の国政報告会を東京で開催しました。
> 70名を超える方にお集まりいただき、心から感謝です。
> 特に「初めて【生】杉田 水脈を見る」という方が半数近くいらっしゃり、とても嬉しく思います。

Yesterday, I held a national policy reporting rally in Tokyo that was exclusive to members of my supporters' association.
I'm truly grateful that over 70 persons attended.
I was particularly delighted that nearly half of the attendees said it was "their 1st time to see [live] Mio Sugita."
(to be continued)

> 懇親会では超レアな、ジャイアンツのユニフォームを着た杉田水脈登場で、皆さんに笑っていただけてよかったです😊(続く)

(to continue) I was able to talk about the "truth" that is completely different from the information reported in the mass media, and I heard a lot of opinions from everyone too
At the social gathering, Sugita Mio appeared in a super rare (Yomiuri) Giants uniform, and it was great to see everyone laughing😊 (continued)