Ref.>"【韓国】起亜自動車、火事の危険で米国で 46万台リコール"

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Translation; N. Korea warned S. Korea to take new countermeasures


> 北朝鮮メディアによると、金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記の妹、金与正党副部長は9日、韓国側が北朝鮮の批判ビラ散布や軍事境界線付近で軍の宣伝放送を続けた場合、新たな対抗措置を取ると談話で警告した。
According to mass media in N. Korea, in her statement on June 9, vice director of the WPK, Kim Yo-jong who is younger sister of General Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong-un, warned to take new countermeasures if the S. Korean side continues sending leaflets to criticize N. Korea and military propaganda broadcasting near the military demarcation line (DML).