Ref.>"ホンダの EV10兆円投資に中国が大絶賛!「未来を見据えている」"

>"武見厚労相、少子化歯止め「この6年がラストチャンス」→ 反応『とっくに試合終了してる』『いつでも増やす方向に動けばよい』"



> 特番『ジャーナリスト門田隆将氏登場!自民党惨敗続く!岸田首相の顔も見たくない!混迷の日本の政治をどう見ればいいのか!?』ゲスト:ジャーナリスト 門田隆将氏

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/8)


> 都知事選出馬を明確に示して投票依頼の演説をした蓮舫氏の公選法違反行為。
> だが、かつて夏祭りでうちわを配った松島みどり法相を公選法違反として徹底追及し、辞任に追いやった蓮舫氏。
> 枝野幸男氏も「蓮舫さんを勝たせましょう!」と叫んで完全な公選法違反。
> 潔く事前運動と認め、責任をとりなさい

The act by Renho breaching the Public Offices Election Act by making a speech clearly indicating her intention to run in the Tokyo gubernatorial election and asking for votes.
However, it was Renho who once thoroughly grilled Justice Minister Midori Matsushima for distributing fans at a summer festival, for violating the Public Offices Election Act, and forced her to resign.
Edano Yukio also shouted that "Let's make Renho win!," therefore it's complete violation of the Public Offices Election Act.
They should honestly acknowledge that it was a pre-election campaign and take responsibility.



> 日本はなぜここまで舐められるのか。
> 常に中国にヒレ伏す "属国根性"丸出しの岸田首相 & 上川外相は中国共産党の幹部が来日しても何のアクションもなし。
> 島田洋一氏は「アーリントン国立墓地の石碑に小便し "トイレ"と落書きする中国人がいれば、米議会は直ちに沸騰し、中国政府に非常に厳しい要求を突きつけるだろう。ところが日本の議員の殆どはボヤッと黙っている。舐められるわけだ」と。
> そんな国会議員を選んでいるのは私たち国民

Why is Japan being looked down upon so much?
PM Kishida and FM Kamikawa, who always bow down to China and show a vassal mentality, take no action even when Chinese Communist Party officials visit Japan.
Yoichi Shimada X-posted that "If a Chinese person were to urinate on a stone monument at Arlington National Cemetery and graffiti the word "toilet," the U.S. Congress would immediately boil-up and place very strict demands under the nose of Beijing. However, most Japanese lawmakers remain silent. No wonder they are being looked down upon."
It is we nationals, who elect such lawmakers.



> 人権問題念頭に欧米が中国の EV車に高関税をかけている時に日本はわざわざ中国と FTAを結んで関税ゼロ+補助金を続ける方針とか。
> 中国は EVや太陽光パネルは "日本に売るから大丈夫"と?
> 岸田首相以下自民の8割、更に自治体トップも軒並み媚中派で中国の思い通り…
> 安倍氏暗殺から僅か2年でここまで堕ちた日本

When the Western countties have imposed high tariffs on Chinese EVs while taking human rights issues in mind, Japan allegedly has a policy to conclude an FTA with China intentionally and continue "zero tariffs" + "subsidies."
Does China think that it's no problem as it will sell "EVs" and "solar panels" to Japan?
80% of the LDP lawmakers including PM Kishida, and even the heads of local governments are all pro-China, and they are totally controled by China...
Japan has fallen so far in just two years since Abe's assassination.



> 大雨の影響で造成地から水が流れ大変な事態に。
> 土嚢が積まれたが泥水は収まらず。
> メガソーラー反対住民達は怒り心頭で「獣たちが追い出されて起こる獣害も心配」と。
> 列島中の自然を破壊するメガソーラー

There is a solar power generation trouble in Fukushima City too, saying that "It's dangerous to cut into the mountain slopes so much."
Due to impact of the heavy rains, water is flowing out from a developed land and the situation is terrible.
Sandbags were piled up, but the muddy water has yet been stopped.
Residents opposing the mega-solar project are furious, saying that "We are also worried about animal-damages caused by animals being driven out."
Mega-solar projects have been destroying the nature across the archipelago

>'「そんなに山の斜面を削って…」太陽光発電で "泥水噴出"住民憤り'


> 機関砲搭載の中国海警局4隻が尖閣周辺の領海に侵入。
> 平和を守るなら準備をきちんと整えた上で毅然と対処する事。
> それ以外に方策はない

Four China Coast Guard vessels equipped with autocannons have entered the Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands.
If China assumes that "the Kishida administration can do nothing," it's only natural that that country launches an attack.
Yoichi Shimada X-posted that "It's possible that China hardliners against Japan have become emboldened, as it viewed the Kishida administration's weak diplomatic stance."
In order to maintain peace, it's must to be properly ready and then deal with it resolutely.
There are no other measures.
