
>"Defector group sends leaflets to Pyongyang; no signs of N.K. provocation detected"

> Yoon calls N. Korea's trash balloons "despicable" and "shameful" and pledges to make S. Korea ...

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Hellow from Seoulr]. Waste paper, cigarette butts and livestock droppings = the N. Korean garbage story is a valuable source of information for understanding the reality of this ultra-closed country (Katsuhiro Kuroda)

>"[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 北朝鮮ゴミ物語 紙くず、吸い殻、家畜のフン 超閉鎖国家の実態知る貴重な情報 黒田勝弘"

> 北朝鮮から風船で飛んできた〝ゴミ爆弾〟が話題である。
> 紙クズや布切れ、ビニール片、タバコの吸殻などのほか、家畜のフンも入っていた。
> 韓国に対する国家的嫌がらせだが、ミサイルや核兵器による脅しの一方でゴミ風船とは!
> 北朝鮮は実にユニークというか、異形の国であることを改めて実感させられた。

The "garbage bomb" sent flying by balloons from N. Korea has become a topic.
In addition to "paper waste," "rags," "plastic piece" and "cigarette butts," the bomb even contained livestock droppings.
It's a form of national harassment against S. Korea. Anysay, it's balloons with garbages, while threatening with missiles and nuclear weapons!
It makes me actually feel that N. Korea is a truly unique, or should I say, a bizarre country.

> 今回なぜゴミを送ってきたかというと、韓国から民間団体が北朝鮮に風船で送り込んでいる北の体制批判のビラや映像資料、紙幣、食べ物などの宣伝物を、北では「スレギ(ゴミのこと)」といっているので、そのお返しというわけだ。
> ちなみに北は韓国の要人などへの悪口でよく「人間スレギ!」といっている。

The reason why they sent garbage this time is that, it was retaliation for the propaganda materials, such as leaflets criticizing the N. Korean regime, footages, paper money and food, which a private organization in S. Korea has sent to N. Korea by balloons, and which are called "sseulegi" (garbage) in N. Korea.
Incidentally, N. Korea often uses an insult "human sseulegi!" to refer to VIPs in S. Korea.

> 北朝鮮のゴミで思い出すのは先年、北朝鮮研究者の宮塚利雄・元山梨学院大教授が平壌を訪問した際、ゴミ箱のゴミをあさって北当局に捕まったことだ。
> ナゾの超閉鎖国家・北朝鮮の実態を知るにはゴミは貴重な情報なのだ。
> 当時、宮塚先生の研究熱心と鋭い感覚に感心したが、今回の風船のゴミも見方によっては貴重である。
> 家畜のフンを分析すればエサなど北での飼育状況が分かる。

When it comes to garbages in N. Korea, what I remind is that, when Toshio Miyazuka, former professor at Yamanashi Gakuin University, visited Pyongyang last year, he was caught by the N. Korean authority, as he caught garbages in a trash can.
Garbages is a valuable information to know the actual situation in the mysterious ultra-closed country, N. Korea.
At that time, I was impressed by Prof. Miyazuka's research eager and sharp sensation. The garbages transported by balloons this time is also valuable depending on the viewpoint.
By analyzing the livestock droppings, we can see the breeding circumstances in N. Korea, such as food.

> また人のフンを送ってこなかったのは食糧事情がばれるからではなかったか?
> あるいは肥料として貴重なので惜しんだか?(黒田勝弘)

Btw, the reason why it didn't send dungs of human beings is that, food situation would be reveald by doing so, wouldn't it!?
Or did it grudge it because it's precious as a fertilizer? (Katsuhiro Kuroda)