Ref.>"【KPOP】あの Weki Mekiが電撃解散"



>"韓国紙「ウェブトゥーンはマンガを超えた」→ 5ch記者の抗議メールで記事修正"

>【速報】「佐渡島の金山」今回の世界遺産登録は困難 ユネスコ諮問機関が評価結果勧告(2024年6月6日)

* Neither forceful taking awar nor forced labor on Korean peninsula natives are historical facts, therefore it's none of your business, S. Korea & S. Koreans, so close your mouth.

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Mass media in S. Korea reported en masse that "registration is postponed" = "If our standpoint is reflected, we will response," S. Korea expressed so about listing of Sado gold mines on UNESCO WCH

>"佐渡金山の世界遺産登録、韓国「立場反映なら応じる」 メディアは「登録保留」と一斉報道"

Concerning that an advisory body to UNESCO showed a judgment that "It has the value worth considering listing" on the listing of "gold mines on Sado Island" (Niigata Pref.) on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, on June 7, an official of S. Korean Foreing Ministry said that >"Should our government determine that our position has been sufficiently reflected to a point, we are considering not blocking a consensus being formed."

> 諮問機関イコモスは6日、日本側に補足説明を求める「情報照会」を勧告。
> 登録の可否は7月 21~ 31日にインドで開かれるユネスコ世界遺産委員会で決定される。
> 韓国側は佐渡金山で戦時中、朝鮮半島出身者の強制労働があったと遺産登録に反発してきたが、韓国外務省関係者は「国家間の問題を対話で解決できずに対立すれば、遺産委の慣行と雰囲気を損なう」と説明。
> 一方で「韓国の立場が反映されなければ(登録に)反対しなければならない」と強調した。

On June 6, an advisory body to UNESCO, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), issued "information inquiry" requesting on the Japanese side to make an additional explanation.
Whether or not it will be listed will be fixed at the UNESCO WHC held in India on July 21 to 31.
The S. Korean side has been displeased by its registration on UNESCO WCH, saying that forced labor was imposed on Korean Peninsula natives during the war time. However, the official of the S. Korean Foreign Ministry explained that "If we can't settle the state to state problem via dialogu but confront, we will undermine practices and atmosphere of the WHC."
On the other hand, it emphasized that "If the position of S. Korea isn't reflected, we have to oppose (the listing)," (It's none of your business, S. Korea & S. Koreans, so close your mouth).

> 韓国メディアは6日の勧告を受け、佐渡金山の遺産登録が「保留になった」と一斉に報道。
> イコモスが追加勧告で、遺産の対象期間となる江戸時代に限らず、採掘が行われた全期間の歴史を説明する展示を整備するよう促した点を挙げ、MBC放送は「イコモスが韓国側の主張を受け入れた」と主張した。

In response to the recommendation on June 6, mass media in S. Korea reported en masse that WCH-registration of the Sado gold mines was "postponed."
By commenting on that the ICOMOS prompted to coordinate the exhibition to explain the whole historical period when digging was done, not restriction to the subject-term of the WCH, Edo period, MBC Broadcast argued that "The ICOMOS has accepted the argument on the S. Korean side."