Ref.>"Yahoo!ニュース『手術なしで性別変更 男性の喜び』"


>"麻生太郎氏「2千年にわたって同じ民族が、同じ言語で、同じ一つの王朝を保ち続けている国など世界中に日本しかない」→ 蓮舫氏「だから?多様性認めて」→ 有本氏「多様性を履き違える不見識の典型」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/7)


> 都内の小学校では "紅組・白組廃止"で "勝ち負けもつけず"、徒競走も "去年の自分に勝つ"との事で "フレーフレー!自分"との〈偽善運動会〉が開かれているそうな。
> 戦後日本を席捲した順位をつけない日教組教育再び。
> 日本が競争を否定して喜ぶ国は?
> 国の未来をちゃんと考えたら?

"Hypocritical sports days" are allegedly held at elementary schools in Tokyo -- "red and white teams are abolished," "not separate winners and losers," and in the running race, students chant "Go, go, me!" in an attempt to "beat last year's me."
The "Nikkyoso" education system, which doesn't assign rankings, which swept across post-war Japan, is back.
Which country will be happy, if Japan rejected competition?
Why not give proper thought to the country's future?

>"小学校の運動会で「紅組・白組を廃止」の動き "勝ち負けをつけない"方針で、徒競走も「去年の自分に勝つ」 応援は「フレー! フレー! 自分」に"


>"爆買いの父"ラオックス羅怡文会長に東京の火葬が乗っ取られているとの文春オンラインを引用し、白川司氏が「斎場運営の東京博善が火葬料金59000円を6月1日、90000円に大幅アップ。江戸川区公営斎場の都民の火葬料は 59600円。横浜市の市民の火葬料は一律12000円なのであまりに高い」と。
> 何でも中国にやられ放題。
> やがて水道も?

By quoting the article of Bunshun Online which says that a crematorium in Tokyo has been taken over by Laox's "Yiwen Luo", the "father of shopping sprees," Tsukasa Shirakawa X-posted that "Tokyohakuzen Company Ltd., which runs the funeral halls, has dramatically increased the cremation fee from \59,000 to \90,000 on June 1. The cremation fee for Tokyo residents at Edogawa Ward's public funeral halls is \59,600. The cremation fee for Yokohama city residents is a flat \12,000. So it's just too expensive."
China can do whatever it wants.
The water supply will be the same sooner or later!?




> 石川和男氏が米仏に次ぐ世界3位の原子力発電国・中国を「日本のマスコミは殆ど報じないが、中国は原子力大国。日本は再び原子力を主力電源の一つにする必要あり。電気料金引下げとエネルギー安全保障のため」と。
> 日本の国力を弱める為に媚中議員を総動員して自国生産の太陽光発電パネルを日本に張り巡らせる中国。
> 本当に情けない

Concerning the world No. 3 nuclear power generation powerhouse China, Kazuo Ishikawa X-posted that "Although mass media in Japan hardly reports on this, China is a nuclear power. Japan needs to make nuclear power one of its main sources of electricity again. The goal is to lower electricity prices and ensure energy security."
It's China that, in order to weaken Japan's national power, who mobilize all pro-China politicians and install domestically produced solar panels all over Japan.
It's really pathetic.


>"中国 商業用原子力発電所の運転開始から 30年 -- 原子力発電設備容量がこの10年で大きく拡大"


> 中国人の日本への移住ブームが続く。
> 業者への日本帰化の相談も。

The migration-boom to Japan in Chinese continues.
Consultations with companies about naturalization is the same.
In response to a question that "If a Communist Party member wants to obtain Japanese nationality, how does the application process work?", a company replied that "Politics and faith have nothing to do with it. It's also free to take aristocratic surnames such as Fujiwara or Saionji."
Aanger that "They should realise that this is an invasion of Japan. Can't they even imagine what Japan will be like few decades later? Uighur-language is a banned in the Uighur Autonomous Region" is serious.



>「2千年にわたり同じ民族が同じ言語で同じ一つの王朝を保ち続けている国など世界中に日本しかない」との麻生財務相の言葉に、蓮舫氏は「私からすれば "だから?"です。多様性を認めあい、お互いの違いを認識し支え合う社会を」と。
> 要するに "早く日本を溶かして違う国になりましょう"と。
> このヒトに入れる都民ってどんな人なんだろう

In response to remarks by Finance Minister Taro Aso that "Japan is the only country all over the world, where the same ethnic group has been maintaining the same dynasty while using the same language for 2,000 years," UH lawmaker Renho (CDPJ) said that "From my point of view, it's "So what?" We need to create a society where diversity is accepted mutually, recognizes each other's differences and supports each other."
In short, she expressed that "Let's dissolve Japan ASAP and become a different country."
What kind of persons who voted to this person!?



> 広島では "救国の鳳"と名づけられた高市早苗さんに「次はどこ?」との問合せ殺到。
> 6月16日佐賀大会(午後2時 唐津シーサイドH)の後は東京(7月16日)& 仙台(7月21日)で、8月は札幌や名古屋…
> 毎回「そこまで日本の危機が迫っているのか」との感想を頂くダブル講演会。
> 申込みはお早めに

"Takaichi-san" has become a trending topic.
Takaichi Sanae, whose nickname in Hiroshima was "the national saving Phoenix," is receiving a flood of inquiries that "Where is the next place?"
After the Saga-rally on June 16 (2:00 pm, Karatsu Seaside Hotel), she will go to Tokyo (July 16) and Sendai (July 21). In August, she will go to Sapporo and Nagoya...
The double lectures, that always make participants have an impression that "The crisis of Japan is so close!?"
Please apply ASAP.