

>"「つばさの党」代表ら3人を再逮捕へ 立憲議員への "選挙妨害"で 選挙カー用い実況見分"



Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/7)


> そんなことを認めるわけがない。
> 台北が中国の首都になったって「1つの中国」です。

There is no way to accept such matter.
It's "We don't deny the One China policy."
Even if Taipei becomes the capital of China, it's still "One China."



> そのとおり。
> 今でもいろいろあるのに、台湾が占領されたら大変なことになる。
> それがわからないというのは、よほど想像力に欠けているのだろう。

You have a point.
Persons who deny that a Taiwan contingency is a Japanese one probably think that, even if Taiwan became a part of China, "the route of tankers from the Middle East would still be able to be secured, there would be no problems with the surrounding undersea cables, Okinawa would not be inundated with illegal immigrant boats of unknown nationality, Chinese PLA naval vessels and fighter jets would not frequently intrude into our territory or territorial waters, and a flood of spies would not come," etc.
Even though many things are happening even in nowadays, even if Taiwan is occupied, it will be a disaster.
It they can't understand this, it means that that they are serious without imagination.



> つばさの党が他陣営の選挙カーを追跡したりしたとして、公選法違反容疑で、黒川敦彦代表、根本良輔幹事長らなど3人を再逮捕へ。
> 酒井氏陣営の選挙カーを約 20分間にわたり選挙カーで追跡し、「質問に答えないから追い掛けるしかない」などと大音量で話し続けたため。

Three Tsubasa no Party members, including representative Atsuhiko Kurokawa and Secretary General Nemoto Ryosuke, are re-arresting on suspicion of violating the Public Offices Election Act for chasing a campaign vehicle belonging to another camp, etc.
They chased a campaign vehicle belonging to Sakai's cam for about 20 minutes in a campaign car and kept saying loudly, such as that "We have no choice but to chase you because you don't answer our questions."

>"「つばさの党」代表ら3人再逮捕へ ほかの候補者にも演説妨害容疑―「カーチェイス」行為も立件・警視庁"


> 蓮舫氏が6月 20日の告示まで参院議員を続け、立候補と同時に議員辞職となる「自動失職」を選ぶことを明らかに。
> 会期は6月 23日までなので、蓮舫氏の日頃の言動に反して何の大義名分もけじめもないやり方。

Renho has made it clear that She has choised to continue as a UH lawmaker until the announcement (* of the Tokyo gubernatorial election) on June 20, and "automatic termination" meaning that she will lose her lawmaker's seat when she runs for the election.
The session will run until June . therefore contracting with Renho's usual hevaviors, this is a way that with neither justification nor sense of responsibility.

>"蓮舫氏、都知事選告示日まで「参院議員」辞めず 「自動失職」を明言、石丸伸二氏と対応分かれる"


> 蓮舫氏の国家観。
> まるで反日運動家。

Renho's state view.
She's like an anti-Japan activist.



If it's "Although it says [Tokyo Gubernatorial Election] at the top, that is just decoration and has nothing to do with Renho. It's simply a flyer announcing [Tokyo Kickoff], an event to start football in Tokyo. This time, Maekawa Kihei and others are invited to join us as comedians to watch the football game together. At the end of the event, everyone will sing [It's Abe's fault we lost the football game]," it's no problem.



> これ、アウトでしょう?
Thi is out, isn't it!?