Ref.>"朝鮮学校補助金の復活を求め日本市民や朝鮮人ら 220人が集会"



>"UNESCO advisory body withholds designation of Japan's Sado mine as World Heritage"

>【速報】「佐渡島の金山」今回の世界遺産登録は困難 ユネスコ諮問機関が評価結果勧告(2024年6月6日)

Translation; An advisory body to UNESCO requested "informaton inquiry" related with the Sado gold mines

>"佐渡金山、補足説明を要請 ユネスコ諮問機関が勧告"

> 国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の諮問機関は、新潟県の「佐渡島の金山」の世界文化遺産登録に関し、推薦した日本に補足説明を求める「情報照会」と勧告した。
> 文化庁が6日、発表した。
> 勧告区分は4段階あり、「登録」に次ぐ2番目の評価。
> 最終判断をするユネスコ世界遺産委員会で登録が認められた例は多く、可能性を残した。
> 今年の委員会は7月 21~ 31日にインドで開かれ、政府は「登録」への格上げを目指す。

Concerning listing of "gold mines on Sado Island" in Niigata Pref. on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, an advisory body to UNESCO recommended "information inquiry" which requesting additional explanation(s) to Japan that recommented it.
On June 6, the Agency for Cultural Affairs released so.
There are four recommendation categories, and this is the 2nd highest rating after "registration."
There are many cases in which registration was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, which makes the final decision. Therefore it means that it's still possible.
This year's committee meeting is to be held in India from from July 21 to 31, and the government will aim to upgrade the rating to "registration."

> ただ委員会でも情報照会と決議されれば、登録は来年以降になる。
> 佐渡金山は「相川鶴子金銀山」と「西三川砂金山」で構成。
> 江戸幕府の下で、金の生産システムが整備された。
> 世界の鉱山で機械化が進んだ16~19世紀にかけて、伝統的手工業による高純度の金を生み出す技術が発展した。

However, if it's resolved to "information inquiry" at the UNESCO WHC too, the listing will be after next year.
Sado gold mines is constitute of "Aikawa-Tsurushi gold and silver mine" & "Nishimikawa placer gold mine."
Under the Edo Shogunate, a gold production system was coordinated.
During the 16th to 19th centuries of mechanization in the world's mines, the technology to produce high-purity gold in traditional handicrafts was developed.

> 文化庁によると、諮問機関の国際記念物遺跡会議(イコモス)は「登録を考慮するに値する価値を有する」と評価。
> その上で江戸時代より後の物証が多い一部地域を世界遺産の構成から除くべきだと指摘し、日本の説明を求めた。

According to the Agency for Cultural Affairs, an advisory body to UNESCO, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), evaluated that "It has the value worth considering listing."
Afterward, it pointed out that some areas with many material-evidences after the Edo period should be excluded from the composition of the WHC, and requested Japan to explain that.