Ref.>"Giorgia Meloni 'Queen of the Far Right' is Changing Europe"


>"対馬で韓国人観光客が逆ギレ 禁煙の神社で喫煙ポイ捨て注意も怒鳴り声 韓国人出入り禁止に"

>'【レーダー照射】自民・有村治子議員「韓国​は​事実​を​​認め​ず謝罪もない。自衛隊が全く行なっていない "超低空飛行"について、韓国から再発​防止​を​求め​られ​て​いる​のは国民​感情​として​受入れ難い」'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/6)


> 靖国テロに繋がる行為。
> 中華思想・華夷秩序が特定アジアの日本ヘイト、日本憎悪の根底にある。
> 韓国から日本に帰化した呉善花さんが対談時に仰っていたが、韓国では神社は不吉な場所のように教え込まれる事が多い。
> 対馬はただでさえ韓国領と妄想する自治体もあり、日本侵略の拠点です。
> 注意喚起を!

It's an act leading to Yasukuni terrorism.
"Sinocentrism" and "Chinese suzerainty order" are at the root of "Japan hate" and "Japan hatred" by speficic Asian countries.
"Oh Son-fa," a naturalized to Japan from S. Korea, said during our dialogue that in S. Korea, persons are often taught that shrines are unlucky places.
Some local governments are under the delusion that Tsushima is S. Korean territory, in the 1st place. It's therefore base for the invasion of Japan.
Please be careful!



> せっかくの記事だが、既存メディアは欧州のこの 30年の新政党に〈極右〉というレッテルはやめるべき。
> 恥ずかしい。
> それに若手台頭は欧州各国では当たり前。
> 30代が主流。
> 日本は若年層がそうなれないのは、自己肯定感を自虐史観とメディアと教育の劣化で持てないからだ。

Thank you for reporting the article, but the existing media should stop labeling the new political parties emerged in Europe over the past 30 years as "radical-right."
It's shameful.
In addition, the rise of youngsters is common in European countries.
The majority are in their 30s.
The reason why youngsters in Japan are unable to do this is that, due to masochistic historical view and the deterioration of the media and education, they are unable to have sense of self-worth.

>"28歳「極右アイドル」が旋風 逆風にあえぐ 46歳大統領 若手台頭止まらぬ仏政界"


> 日本政府と警察の対応は日本が主権国家でないかのよう。
> イタリアは 90年代から酷くなったのに最近はメローニ首相の誕生でかなり普通の国家に戻った。
> ムッソリーニと言えば日本人はヒットラー同様に連想するがイタリアでは全く違う。
> 今でも命日に多くの国民が墓参する。
> メローニ首相はそんなムッソリーニ系の右派団体に15歳で加盟、29歳で国会議員になった素晴らしい女性だ。

The responses of Tokyo and the police are as if Japan isn't a sovereign country.
Italy was deteriorating since the 1990s. However, tecently, with the birth of PM Giorgia Meloni, it has returned to be a considerably normal country.
When Japanese persons hear the name "Mussolini," they associate it with Hitler as well. However, in Italy, it's completely different.
Even in nowadays, many persons visit his grave on the anniversary of his death.
PM Meloni is an excellent female, who joined a Mussolini-line right-wing organization at 15 years old, and at 29, she was elected to Italy's parliament.