Ref.>'望月衣塑子記者の暴走にとうとう社内からクレーム… → 望月記者は "逆ギレ"「どこがいけないんですか!?」'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/4)


> 今日は天安門事件(6.4事件)35周年。
> 民主化の希望・胡耀邦元総書記の死を悼む若者達を人民解放軍が武力鎮圧した日。
> 以後の中国は独裁性、独善性を更に強め、世界の最大懸念となっているのは周知の通り。
> 親中派が8割と言われる自民党を始め日本の政界もとっくに軍門に。

Today marks 35 years sice the Tiananmen Incident (6.4 case).
The day when the Chinese PLA calmed down youngsters with forces, who were mourning death of the hope of democratization, former CCP General Secretary Hu Yaobang.
It is well known that China after that has further strengthened its dictatorship and self-righteousness, and has become the most concerned matter in the world.
The political world of Japan, including the LDP, its 80% is allegedly pro-China, has given in to it for many years.

>"天安門事件から 35年 制服や私服の警官ら多数配置 追悼を徹底阻止、厳戒態勢の北京"


> 頼清徳台湾総統が「天安門事件35周年にあたり、私達は変革を求めて勇敢にデモ行進した学生と市民を追悼します。台湾が人権に対する取り組みを深める中、自由と民主主義があってこそ国民は真に繁栄できるという信念を私達は固く守ります」と。
> 圧力に怯まない毅然としたリーダーを戴く台湾が羨ましい

Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te X-posted that >"On the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Incident, we commemorate the students & citizens who bravely marched for change. As #Taiwan deepens our commitment towards human rights, we firmly stand by the belief that the people only truly flourish with freedom & democracy.."
I envy Taiwan for having such a resolute leader who does not flinch under pressure.

> 政治資金規正法改正で自民が維新の要求を呑み、"政策活動費の公開を 50万円を超える支出に限定する"との条文削除。
> 与野党で一旦合意していた本日の委員会での採決を見送る異例の事態。
> 自民党内からも"前代未聞"の批判、と FNN。
> 主体性も信念もない岸田首相。
> 迷走政権いつまで?

The LDP has given in to the Ishin Party's demands and deleted a clause in the revision of the Political Funds Control Law that "Disclosure of policy activity expenses is limited to expenditures over \500,000."
In an unusual situation that a vote at today's committee was postponed, even though it was agreed between the ruling and opposition parties.
FNN reported that LDP intra-party criticism emerged that "unprecedented."
PM Kishida, who has neither initiative nor conviction.
How long will this drifting administration continue?

>"「造反が出てもおかしくない」自民党内から怒り 政治資金規正法改正きょうの採決見送り 維新反発で3度目の修正案"


> マンデーバスターズで自民党総裁選を巡り島田洋一氏が爆弾発言。
>「公明党が盛んに "高市は靖国に行く。すると中国が怒る。だから高市はダメだ"と色んな機会に自民議員に言っている。それに靡く議員も… 高市さんが勝つには一般党員の支持の盛り上がりが重要」と。
> 媚中派でない総裁候補は高市氏だけで何としても阻止したい中国共産党。
> 逆にいえば "中国の利益代弁者"公明の言う事を聞いて祖国と自分のバッジを裏切る議員が"どのくらいいるか"という事

In a program of "Monday Busters," Dr. Shimada Yoichi dropped a bombshell statement regarding the LDP presidential election.
"The Komei Party actively tells LDP lawmakers on various occasions that "Takaichi will visit to Yasukuni Shrine. As the result, China will be raged. That's the reason why Takaichi is a no-go." There are some lawmakers who are even swayed by that... For Takaichi to win, what does matter is to gaining strong support from ordinary party members."
Takaichi is the only presidential candidate who is not pro-China, the CCP therefore wants to block her by all means.
In other words, what does matter is "how many lawmakers will betray our country and their own badges by listening to Komei Party, the "spokesperson for China's interests?".