


> 眞鍋かをり氏 蓮舫氏による都知事選での自民党批判に「ウンザリ」と本音を吐露が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/4)


> 真鍋かをりさんは正論しか言っていないが。
All what Manabe Kaori says is a just argument, doesn't she!?



> 相変わらず小池自民批判+事業仕分けしかない。
> 人の公約を見て自分のを作る時点で志が低いとは思わんのか。
> 卑怯の極み。
> 田母神さんを見習え。

As usual, all what (Renho) talks is "criticism of Koike & LDP" + "project review."
Don't you think that your ambition is low when you look at other person's election pledges and make your own?
It's extremely cowardice.
You should follow Tamogami.



> 解散がないことがほぼ決定したから、蓮舫さんは都知事に出馬したんだろう。
> 小池さんに負けても衆院に鞍替えできるから。
> いま解散になって都知事選に総選挙をぶつけられたら、自民は負けるだろうけど、蓮舫さんも大慌てだろうから見てみたい気もする。

It's almost fixed that there will be no snap election. Probably, Renho therefore will run for governor.
The reason why is that, even if she loses to Koike, she can switch to the Lower House.
If the Diet were to be dissolved now and a general election were to be held in conjunction with the Tokyo gubernatorial election, the LDP would probably lose. On the other hand, Renho would be in a panic, therefore I'd like to see what will happen.


>"岸田文雄首相「課題で結果出すこと以外考えていない」 解散見送り報道に"


> インフラ費を削って福祉などに回すのは、その時はいいが、後でしっぺ返しが来る場合がある。
> 最悪人の命を奪う。
> それすら総括しておらず、東京で行革の一発芸を続けるなぞ、都政のことなんて何も考えていない証拠。
> 神宮外苑を争点にするのは、権力(行政)が私有地に介入することを意味する。
> 本来なら慎重に慎重を重ねなければならない事案なのに、浅薄な正義感だけで大衆迎合してことを進めようとするなど、都の独裁者宣言をしたも同然。

Cutting infrastructure spending and redirecting it to welfare and so on may seem fine at the time, but it could backfire later.
At worst, it could kill persons.
The fact that she have yet even summertized this and continue to make one-off stunts about administrative reform in Tokyo is proof that she have no thought at all about metropolitan government.
Making Jingu Gaien an controversial issue means that power (the government) intervenes into private land.
This is an issue that should be handled with the utmost caution. Mevertheless, trying to push the matter through by pandering to the general public with only a shallow sense of justice is tantamount to declaring herself dictator of the metropolitan government.



> アメリカのオースティン防(ママ)長官が、在日米軍司令部の司令官の階級を中将から大将に格上げする案を検討していると述べる。
> Xデーは着実に迫ってきていると考えるしかない。

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said to have been considering an idea to upgrade the rank of the commander of the USFJ will be raised from lieutenant general to general.
It can't be helped but think that X-Day is steadily approaching.

>"米国防長官、在日米軍司令官の格上げを検討「中将」→「大将」 自衛隊との連携を強化"


> 民主党は「企業献金禁止」が公約だったのに、いざ政権をとったら自分たちが率先して企業献金を受けて、パーティー禁止法案を提出した直後に議員が政治パーティを開き、自分たちも公開してないのに「政策活動費を公開しろ」となじる。
> ちょっとでいいから、自分たちの矛盾も感じてほしいのだが。

The CDPJ's election pledge was to "ban corporate donations." However, once they took power, they took the lead in accepting corporate donations, and immediately after submitting a bill to ban (* political fund raising) parties, its member lawmakers held political parties, and has denouned to "open policy measured activity expenses," even though they themselves doesn't make public.
I wish they would just be aware of their own contradictions, even if only a little bit.


>"政治資金規正法改正 自民 修正案あすにも衆院通過させたい考え"


> 1年以上の懲役(執行猶予を含む)を受けた者は一律入国拒否になるが、代理購入の詐欺罪だとそこまでいかないだろう。
> 中国はすでに友好国とは程遠く、入国条件を厳しくすべき。
> これはテロの前触れだと思う。
> また共産と立憲が反対するだろうが。

Anyone who is sentenced to imprisonment of one year or more (including suspended sentence) is banned to enter into Japan. However, if it's a case of proxy purchasing fraud, it probably doesn't go that far.
China is already far from being a friendly nation, so the conditions for entry should be made stricter.
I think this is a sign of terrorism.
Even though the JCP and CDPJ will probably oppose it again.