Ref.>"【韓国】北朝鮮からの汚物風船が爆発 車が炎上"

>"【韓国】サムスンが抱える深刻な事態… 異例の役員人事のウラ側"



> S. Korea to suspend 2018 inter-Korean tension reduction pact until "mutual trust is restored"

Translation; "Kim Jong-un sent us [filth], but we send him [love]" = an defectors' organization in S. Korea predicted "leaflets to N. Korea"


> 北朝鮮による対南(対韓)汚物風船により南北関係が悪化する中、韓国の脱北団体は「対北ビラを飛ばし続ける」と明らかにした。
>「脱北民の前衛隊」を公言している韓国の脱北者団体 "自由北韓運動連合"は3日、"キム・ジョンウン(金正恩・北朝鮮総書記)はただちに謝罪せよ"というタイトルの報道資料を通じて、北朝鮮が韓国に向けて汚物風船を飛ばしたことについて「第一・第二次世界大戦の時にも互いにアドバルーンを使って数百億枚のビラを撒き、南北(韓国と北朝鮮)間でも数億枚のビラを撒いたことがあったが、『汚物風船』を飛ばしたことはなかった」と指摘した。

In the situation that the inter-Koreans relations has been deteriorated by "filth-balloons" to S. Korea by N. Korea, a defectors' organization in S. Korea revealed to "continuously fly leaflets to N. Korea."
On June 3, via a press materila titled "Kim Jong-un (General Secretary of (the WPK) in N. Korea) should apologize immediately" -- a N. Korean defectors' organization in S. Korea, "The Fighters for a Free North Korea which claims to be the "vanguard of N. Korean defectors" -- pointed out that "During the 1st and 2nd World Wars, both camps used advertising balloons to distribute tens of billions of leaflets each other. Between North and South Korea, hundreds of millions of leaflets were distributed. However, [filth-balloons] have never been used."

> つづけて「自由北韓運動連合は、国民や米国の同胞たちに訴え購入したタイレノール(解熱・鎮痛薬)やビタミンC・マスクなどを、愛する北朝鮮の同胞たちに(風船で)送った」とし「われわれは事実と真実、愛や薬・1ドル紙幣・ドラマやトロット(韓国演歌)を送ったのに、北は韓国に汚物とゴミを送ったというのか」と批判した。
It went on to say that that "The Fighters for a Free North Korea sent tylenol (antipyretics and analgesics), vitamin C, masks, etc. to beloved brothers in N. Korea (by balloon), which we appleaed to the nationals and brothers in the U.S. and purchased" and criticized that "Even though we sent facts and truth, love and medicine, one dollar bills, dramas and teuroteu (Korean ballad), the North sent filth and garbage to S. Korea, didn't it!?"

> また「金正恩に警告する」とし「自身の犯した悪行に対し、韓国民たちにただちに謝罪せよ。謝罪しなければ、あなたが行なった蛮行の千倍・一万倍で報復する」と訴えた。
In addition, it expressed that "We warn Kim Jong-un" and appealed that "You should apologize immediately to the S. Korean nationals for the evil deeds you committed. If you don't apologize, we will retaliate thousand or ten thousand times more than the barbarism you have committed."