



Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/3)


> 汚物風船に怒った韓国側が「大音量スピーカーによる宣伝放送の再開も排除しない」と報復を仄めかしたところ、北朝鮮が汚物風船を一時中断。
> 国家どうしの駆け引きとは思えぬレベルの低さ。

Angered by the filth-balloons, S. Korea hinted at retaliation, saying "not rule out the resumption of propaganda broadcast using loudspeakers," and N. Korea temporarily suspended the filth-balloons.
This is a low level which can't be seen as a state to state negotiation tactics.

>"北朝鮮 ごみの風船「暫定的に中断」再びビラなら「100倍散布」"


> 蓮舫さんが「批判ばかり」と言われていることを気にしているようだ。
> 蓮舫さんはそんなレベルの低い政治家ではないので、気にする必要はない。
> 蓮舫さんは批判したことが後で戻ってきて自分に突き刺さるという名人芸の持ち主。
> 単なる批判屋とは一味違う。

Renho seems to be bothered by to be said that she is "criticism only."
Renho is not a so low-level politician, therefore it's not necessary to worry.
Renho has a masterful technique known as a "boomerang" (her criticism will be fired back and pierce on herself).
She is not just a simple critic.




> 蓮舫さんが都政に関心を持っていなかったのは、都庁が長年取り組んでいた路上生活者問題を知らなかったことでも明らかです。
> 自民党批判していれば安泰だと辻元氏と行動してきた蓮舫氏が、都の財政のことなんて知るわけがないでしょう。

Renho's lack of interest in metropolitan government is also clear from the fact that she was unaware of the homeless problem that the metropolitan government has been tackling for many years.
Renho, who has always acted with Tsujimoto, believing that she would be safe as long as she criticized the LDP, is as a matter of course likely to know nothing about the metropolitan government's finances.



> 住んでいる者の知事候補に対するごく当たり前の感想。
> これを平気で叩くのが排他的左翼の証。

"Even though she runs for the Tokyo gubernatorial election, all what she does is criticizing the LDP, I'm therefore sick of it."
This is a completely normal reaction from a resident to the gubernatorial candidate (* Renho).
To bash it without hesitation -- this is proof of the exclusivist left.

>"眞鍋かをり、蓮舫氏による都知事選での自民党批判に「ウンザリ」発言連発 SNSではさまざまな意見も"


> 蓮舫氏が東京で事業仕分け宣言。
> 蓮舫さんは、民主党政権がインフラを削って、その後どれだけの要らぬ犠牲者が出たか自覚がなかったんだ。
> 本物の無能だったようだ。

Renho has declared to carry out a budget review in Tokyo.
Renho was unaware of how many unnecessary casualties there were, after the Democratic Party administration cut infrastructure investment.
She seems to be true incompetent.

>"蓮舫氏不敵な笑み「洗いがいある」 8.5兆円東京都予算の「仕分け」に意欲"