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> S. Korea, U.S., Western nations release joint statement against DPRK-Russia arms transfers

Translation; Arms deals with N. Korea is "betrayal" = S. Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik criticized Russia

>"韓国国防相、ロシア非難 北朝鮮と取引「裏切り」"

> 韓国の申源シク国防相は1日、シンガポールで開かれたアジア安全保障会議で講演した。
> 国連安全保障理事会常任理事国のロシアが、安保理決議違反を繰り返す北朝鮮から武器支援を受けることは「国際社会に対する裏切りだ」と強く非難し、違法な武器取引を即時やめるよう求めた。

On June 1, S. Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik lectured at the IISS Asia Security Summit (* aka the (21st) Shangri-La Dialogue) in Singapore.
He strongly criticized Russia, one of the P-5 of the U.N. Security Council, for accepting arms support from N. Korea, which repeatedly violates UN Security Council resolutions, as a "betrayal of the international community," and called for an immediate end to illegal arms trade.

> ロシアがウクライナ侵攻で使用する武器が北朝鮮から違法に輸入したものだと次々と明らかになっていると指摘。
> ロ朝間の軍事協力は北朝鮮の核・ミサイル能力の高度化を招き、欧州や朝鮮半島情勢に影響を与えていると強調した。
> 解決に向けた国際社会の団結が必要だと呼びかけた。

He pointed out that it's becoming clear one after another that the weapons, Russia has been using in its invasion of Ukraine, were illegally imported from N. Korea.
He emphasized that Russo-N. Korea military cooperation caused the sophistication of N. Korea's nuclear and missile capabilities, which impacted the situation in Europe and on the Korean Peninsula.
He called for that the unity of the international community for the settlement was necessary.