
>'田母神俊雄氏、都知事選公約の目玉に "大麻栽培"承認「都知事の権限で承認する」'



Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/1)


> 正直、都知事選は「無能だけど、悪材料出尽くしで、今後のことも読める現職」と「共産党が支援して、知事になったら何をしでかすかわからない無能な政治家」との戦いになると思う。
> 共産党が支援するのは、無能なのに高い知名度とそこそこの人気があり媚中だから、めちゃくちゃ使いやすいんだと思う。
> おだててりゃいいんだから。

To be honest, I think that the Tokyo gubernatorial election will be a battle between "an incompetent incumbent who has all the bad news out there and whose future is predictable" vs "an incompetent politician supported by the Japanese Communist Party with whom we don't know what she'll do if she becomes governor."
I think the reason why the Japanese Communist Party supports her is, despite being incompetent, she is well-known, reasonably popular and pro-China, so it's extremely easy to take advantage of her.
Because, all what they have to do is flatter her.

> そうですね。
> 杉田水脈さんは政務活動費が出る前から自腹で国連に行って、反日へのカウンター演説をやってきた方です。
> 政治家である前に、人として立派です。

You have a point.
LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) is the one, who went to the U.N. at her own expenses and made counter speeches against anti-Japan activities, even before receiving political activities expenses.
Not only as a politician, but also she is great in the 1st place.



> 日本のテレビ局のどこにジャーナリズムがある?
> あなたがそれを証明したじゃないか。

Where is the journalism in Japanese TV stations?
It's you who proved that, isn't it!?



> このぼろ負けはそれだけで説明できないです。
This one-sided defeat can't be explained by that alone.
