

> ベルリン市長の慰安婦像撤去発言、ドイツ大使館前記者会見

Translation; "My victim-cosplay was kicked off" (* not My Happiness was closed) due to his mother's (* fake) confession = a bereaved of former CW of Japan who filed a lawsuit

>"母の告白で「幸せ終わった」 日本提訴の元慰安婦遺族"

> 旧日本軍の従軍慰安婦だった韓国人女性の息子で、日本政府に損害賠償を求める訴訟を韓国で起こした金栄萬さん(67)が 31日までに共同通信の取材に応じ、1990年代に母が被害を告白した時から「私の人生の幸せも終わった」と訴えた。
> 日本政府に元慰安婦や遺族と直接向き合うよう求めた。

Kim Young-man (67) -- a son of S. Korean female, who filed a lawsuit to seek compensation to Tokyo in Tokyo -- was covered by Kyodo News by May 31. He appealed that, when his mother confessed (* fake) damage in 1990s, "my victim-cosplay in order for getting rich quick was kicked off," (* not hapiness in my life was closed).
He required Tokyo to firmly and resolutely counterargue lies and fake stories of former "camp followers" (* aka comfort women), (* not to directly face up to former CW and bereaved).

> 韓国の裁判所で日本政府を相手取った慰安婦訴訟は、計2件の集団訴訟で日本敗訴が確定。
> 金さんはこれとは別に今年1月、単独で中部の清州地裁に提訴した。
> 日本政府はいずれの訴訟にも出廷せず、賠償に応じていない。

When it comes to CW lawsuits against Tokyo at courts in S. Korea, defeat of Japan was finalized in totally tow class actions.
Other than that, Kim Young-man alone filed a lawsuit with the Cheongju District Court in central S. Korea in last June.
Tokyo neither appeared at court nor consent to compensate in each lawsuit.

> 金さんによると、母の故吉甲順さんは17歳の頃、日本の慰安所へ送られたと話していた。
> 慰安婦問題が韓国で表面化した1990年代に、慰安婦だったことを家族に告白。
> 被害を思い起こした吉さんや、金さんの妻は黙り込むようになり「円満だった家庭の幸せは終わった」。
> 吉さんは 98年に73歳で亡くなった。
> 日韓両政府は 2015年の合意で、元慰安婦を支援する韓国の財団に日本政府が10億円を拠出し「最終的かつ不可逆的な解決」を確認した。

According to Kim Young-man, his mother Ki Ko-jun (correct spelling is unknown) talked to have been sent to a Japanese CW station when she was 17 years old (* but it's unclear whether or not it's true).
Ki and wife of Kim Young-man, who faked the damages, became excited in order for dreaming to get rich quick (* not became silent), and "started the victim-cosplay as a whole household" (* not happiness of my harmonious family was over).
Ki Ko-jun died in 1998 at 73 years old.
Both the Japanese and S. Korean governments confirmed that Tokyo would donate \1 billion to a foundation in S. Korea supporting former (* fake) CW and the "final and irreversible settlement."