Ref.>'( ´_ゝ`)朝日新聞「"日本の民衆が火の中に"中国大使の発言は適訳だったか」← 中国大使は日本語ペラペラ'

> 国基研チャンネル 第 546回「台湾総統就任式後の中国軍事演習を解説」 有元隆志(月刊正論発行人)、中川真紀(国基研研究員)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/31)


> 中国大使 "火の中"発言への抗議は外務省の課長レベルで完全に腰が引けていた岸田政権。
> 総裁候補を見ても茂木 & 小石河 & 上川 & 加藤勝信氏などいずれ劣らぬ媚中政治家ばかり。
> 誰なら大使にペルソナ・ノン・グラータ発動で追放をできるのか。
> 唯一中国と対峙できるのが高市早苗氏。
> 日本存続の鍵を握る所以
The protest against the Chinese ambassador's >"If Japan ties itself onto the chariot of splitting China, the Japanese people will be led into a pit of fire" remarks was only at the level of a section chief in the MoFA, meaning that the Kishida administration was completely backing down.
Looking at the candidates for LDP president, they are all equally pro-China politicians -- "Motegi," "Ko-Ishi-Gawa," "Kamikawa" and "Nobukatsu Kato."
Who could declare the ambassador "persona non grata" and expel him from Japan?
The only one who can stand up to China is "Sanae Takaichi."
It's the reason why she is the key person for Japan's survival.

> 中国企業が軍施設近くの土地を購入する事に警鐘を鳴らす米政府が中国の仮想通貨関連企業に対しワイオミング州の空軍基地近くに購入した土地から立ち退き、購入区画を売却するよう命じた。
> 同基地は大陸間弾道ミサイルを備えており国家安全保障上の脅威が理由。
> 安全保障が俎上に上れば常に毅然とした態度をとれる国が羨ましい

Washington, which has sounded the alarm over Chinese companies buying lands near military facilities, has ordered a Chinese cryptocurrency-related company (* Mineone Partners Ltd.) to vacate the land it purchased near an air force base (* Francis E. Warren Air Force Base) in "US-WY" and sell the plot it purchased.
The base is equipped with an ICBM. Therefore the reason why is that it poses a threat to national security.
I envy a country that can always take a firm stance when security is at stake.

>"米国、中国の仮想通貨関連企業に土地売却命令 -- 空軍基地に近い立地"


> は?
> 1912年成立の中華民国(台湾)が1949年成立の中華人民共和国からどう独立するのか説明を。
> 頼清徳総統は中国と台湾は「互いに隷属しない」と現状維持を明言している。
> イチャモンで自由主義圏への侵略を企む中国。
> やれば世界大戦に…

The Chinese Defense Ministry expressed that '"Taiwan independence" is tantamount to war, and there can be no peace in the secession."
Please explain how the Republic of China (Taiwan), founded in 1912, will gain independence from the People's Republic of China, founded in 1949.
President Lai Ching-te has made it clear that China and Taiwan "aren't subjugated to each other" and will maintain the status quo.
China has been plotting to invade the liberal world with making the false accusation.
It it does so, a world war will be ignited...



> だが日本の抗議は外務省の担当課長から在日中国大使館の公使参事官に電話で伝えただけ。
> どこが "厳重抗議"?
> 岸田首相&上川外相ともに "媚中"と来ているから当然か。
> 日本は安倍時代と根本的に変わった。
> 舐められ、属国化していく日本

Chinese ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao, who remarked that >"If Japan ties itself onto the chariot of splitting China, the Japanese people will be led into a pit of fire."
However, Japan's protest was merely conveyed by the section chief in charge at the MoFA to the minister-counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in Japan via telephone.
How was it a "stern protest"?
Taking it into consideration that both PM Kishida and FM Kamikawa are pro-China, it's as expected.
Japan has fundamentally changed from the Abe era.
Japan is being looked down upon and becoming a vassal state.

>"<独自>中国大使「火の中」発言への抗議は外務省課長レベル 「腰が引けている」と指摘も"


> 史上初の国政選挙6連勝を果たした安倍元首相の死後2年も経たない内に政権交代が取り沙汰されるほど自民を崩壊させた岸田首相。
> 首相になって人事をやるのが目的で、信念も、芯も、国家観も、歴史観もない政治家が、今度は政治資金規正法改正を巡っても迷走。
> パー券購入者名の公開基準を現行の 20万円超から5万円超へ引き下げるのだそうだ。
> いやはや…

Less than two years after the death of former PM Abe, who achieved the first-ever six consecutive victories in national elections, PM Kishida has destroyed the LDP to the point that an administrative replacement is talked.
His aim after assuming prime minister was handle the personnel affairs. Meanwhile, the politician with no convictions, core, national ideology and historical view, is now also wavering over the revision of the Political Funds Control Law.
He will allegedly lower the disclosing-standard of names of party ticket purchasers from the current \200,000 to \50,000.

>"首相、パーティー券購入公開基準「5万円超」表明 政活費も譲歩 公明、維新代表と会談"