
>"立憲民主党 中・低所得世帯に月 3,000円支給を提案 大勝利へ"



> N. Korea launches multiple ballistic missiles toward East Sea

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/30)


> 北朝鮮が日本海に向け短距離弾道ミサイル十数発を発射、と韓国軍。
> 少なくとも1発は最高高度約100㌔で350㌔以上飛んだとみられる。
> 一昨日夜からは汚物入り風船が大量に韓国に飛来。
> 台湾情勢に加え東アジアは一触即発。
> それでも "平和を愛する諸国民の公正と信義を信頼して、安全と生存を保持しよう"という日本。
> 平和ボケが国を滅ぼす

N. Korea fired a dozen short-range ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan, according to the S. Korean forces.
At least one of the missiles seems to have flew more than 350 km at a maximum altitude of about 100 km.
Since the night before yesterday, large numbers of balloons filled with filth flew into S. Korea.
In addition to the situation in Taiwan, East Asia is on the brink of war.
Nevertheless, Japan says that "we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world."
Peac at any cost mind-set destruct the country.

>'北朝鮮 "短距離弾道ミサイル"十数発発射 韓国軍発表 衛星打ち上げ批判への反発か'


> ウクライナ軍によるロシア領への攻撃を容認したマクロン仏大統領。
> ブリンケン米国務長官も「情勢に適応させ、調整する」と。
> 米などの武器でロシア領の基地等をウ軍が攻撃する事を容認する可能性は大。
> 現実になれば、プーチン激怒は必至で新展開へ。
> あちこちで世界大戦勃発前夜

French President Macron has approved attacks on Russian territory by the Ukrainian military.
US Secretary of State Blinken also said that "we will adapt and adjust to the situation."
There is a strong possibility that the Ukrainian forces will be allowed to attack bases and so on on Russian territory with U.S. and so on weapons.
If this becomes a reality, Putin will inevitably be furious, leading to new developments.
We are on the eve of the outbreak of a world war here and there.

>"ロシア領攻撃、柔軟な対応示唆 状況次第で「調整」-- 米国務長官"


> 台湾の台視新聞網がトランプ前大統領が募金活動イベントの中で「もし中国が自分の大統領任期中に台湾に侵攻すれば、北京を爆撃するよう命じる」と発言したと報道。
> 習近平の "力による現状変更"を阻止する為の究極の戦争抑止発言。
> 広がるばかりの中国の軍事作戦の波紋。
> 東アジアの戦争抑止は米の出方に掛かっている事を改めて痛感

Formosa TV News network in Taiwan reported that former U.S. President D. Trump remarked at a fundraising event that "If China invades Taiwan during my term as president, I will order the bombing of Beijing."
This was the ultimate war-deterrent statement to prevent Xi Jinping from "changing the status quo by force."
The ripples of China's military operation are only spreading.
I once again remind strongly that war deterrence in East Asia depends on how the U.S. will respond.

> 台湾には独自開発した世界最高水準の超音速地対艦ミサイル "雄風III型"もある。
> マッハ 2.0以上のこのミサイルで中国艦船は致命的打撃を受けると言われる。
> そして未だヴェールを脱いでいない射程1200㌔の巡航ミサイル "雄昇"も。
> 上海や三峡ダムに届く同ミサイルなど、万一戦争が始まれば中台いずれも被害は甚大。
> だからこそ "絶対に"戦端を開かせてはならない

Former President Trump made a shocking statement that "If China invades Taiwan during my term as president, I will order the bombing of Beijing."
Taiwan even has the world's most advanced supersonic SSM "Hsiung Feng III," which it developed independently.
This missile, which can fly over Mach 2.0, will allegedly deal a fatal blow to Chinese vessels.
And there is also the "Hsiung Feng," a cruise missile with a range of 1,200 km, which has yet to be unveiled.
If war were to break out, with this missile able to reach Shanghai and the Three Gorges Dam, the damage to both China and Taiwan would be enormous.
This is the reason why we must "never" allow a war to break out.