
>【小池百合子VS蓮舫】学歴疑惑か?国籍疑惑か?地獄の都知事選▼共産党が蓮舫を全力応援!マイナスでは?▼つばさの党 黒川容疑者も出馬か▼加賀×島田×佐々木×千葉【怒っていいとも】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/30)


> 名言だな🤔
> 誰もが属してる集団に不満はある。
> しかし努力せず愚痴ばかりいうのはカッコ悪い😮‍💨
> 昔、学生時代に父と対立したことがあった。
> 父は私にこう言った
> 私はそれが凄い説得力ある話で、一理あると思った。
> 従うしかなかったが抵抗はなかった。
> 同時に早く独立しようと強く思った。
> 今は父に感謝してる🙄

It's a quote.
Not only for "country", but also it can be said for "house," "town" and "organization."
Every and each person is dissatisfied with the group to which he or she belongs.
But it's not cool to complain without making effort.
In the past, I had conflict with my father when I was a student.
My father told me:
"You eat, wear clothes, sleep in this house based depending on my income. Follow me while you are at this house."
I thought it was a great persuasive words and it was reasonable.
I had to follow, but there was no resistance.
At the same time, I wanted to be independent quickly.
I'm grateful to my father now🙄
The reason why is that it was not "If you don't like it, go out."
I think it was encouraging to say that "If you don't want to be interfered, do your best and be independent."

> 2位で終わっても凹むことはないだろうな🤣
She won't be disappointed, if she finished the 2nd place🤣



> 小池氏は「卒業証書と証明書がある」と一点張りだが、2019年のクウェートの英字新聞によると中東にはエジプトの偽造学位が氾濫してる。


Tokyo Gov. Koike stubbornly insists that "I have a graduation certificate and a certificate." However, according to the Kuwait's English newspaper in 2019, in the Middle East, Egyptian fake degrees are flooding.
She should prove not only "presence" but also "authenticity"🧐

[summary of shared article]
* >"Dozens of offices engaged in selling fake degrees operate in the immediate vicinity of Cairo University without any hitch or hindrance from the authorities"
* >"And the buyers, you guessed right, Kuwaitis and other wealthy Gulf country nationals who can afford the cost"
* >"Moreover, operators of the degree shops even guarantee the veracity of certificates they issue by claiming to work in close cooperation with the staff at several Egyptian colleges"