

>"It's Time for China to Get Serious on Peace"

>"EDITORIAL | JS Izumo Drone Breach a Call for Drastic Countermeasures"

>【玉城県政の公約達成率はおよそ3%未満!?】花城大輔「知事は県民に対してどう説明するんですか?!」【沖縄・自民党】【玉城デニー県政 不祥事回顧録】【第10弾】

Translation; China indicated continuation of military exercises = Taiwanese authority analyzed it as "normalization"

>"中国、軍事演習継続を示唆 台湾当局「常態化」と分析"

> 中国で台湾政策を主管する国務院(政府)台湾事務弁公室の朱鳳蓮報道官は 29日、記者会見し、中国軍が台湾周辺で 23、24両日に実施した演習について「台湾独立の挑発がやまない限り、国家の主権と領土の一体性を守る軍の行動は一刻も止まることはない」と述べ、演習継続の可能性を示唆した。
> 演習を「常態化」させるのかとの質問に答えた。

On May 29, spokesperson of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, which has jurisdiction the policy to Taiwan policy in China, Zhu Fenglian held a press conferece. Concerning the military excercises Chinese PLA conducted on both May 23 & 24 around Taiwan, she said that "Unless Taiwan's provocations for independence is halted, the forces' actions to safeguard the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity will never stop," and indicated possibility of continuation of the drills.
She replied so in response to a question whether or not "normalize" the exercises.

> 台湾の国家安全局は 29日、中台関係に関する報告書を立法院(国会)に提出。
> 中国が同様の演習を常態化させ、台湾海峡に「新たな現状」をつくろうとする恐れがあると分析した。

On May 29, the National Security Bureau in Taiwan submitted a report on the cross-strait relations to the Legislative Yuan (parliament).
It analyzed that there is a risk that China will normalize similar exercises and attempt to create a "new status quo" over the Taiwan Strait.