Ref.>"Japan PM, new US command chief vow to achieve regional stability"

>"Failure of 'Satellite' Launch: China, Russia Have Allowed North Korea to Grow Arrogant"

> 岸田総理「日米同盟の抑止力を向上すべく連携」 米・司令官と会談(2024年5月 29日)

Translation; The U.S. and Japan are responsible for the regional peace = PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with Commander of USINDOPACOM, Admiral Samuel Paparo

>"首相、日米が地域の平和に責任 米インド太平洋軍新司令官と面会"

> 岸田文雄首相は 29日、今月就任した米インド太平洋軍のパパロ司令官と官邸で面会した。
> 北朝鮮による 27日の軍事偵察衛星打ち上げ失敗に触れ「日本は米国と共に地域と国際社会の平和と安定に責任を果たす」と述べ、連携を呼びかけた。

On May 29, 2024, PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with Admiral Samuel Paparo, Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), who took seat this month.
He commented on the the failure of the military reconnaissance satellite launch by N. Korea on May 27, he called for cooperation, saying that >"Japan, together with the U.S., will fulfill its responsibility for peace and stability in the region and the international community."

> 在日米軍を含めインド太平洋軍は地域の安定に重要な役割を担っていると強調。
> パパロ氏は「日米同盟の重要性はかつてないほど高まっている。自由で開かれたインド太平洋を実現するため、日本と協力したい」と応じた。

>"Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude for the contribution of U.S. INDOPACOM and the U.S. Forces Japan, which play a significant role in maintaining peace and stability in this region.
He also stated that Japan and the U.S. are global partners which uphold and bolster the free and open international order based on the rule of law
," and conveyed that Tokyo would like to strengthen deterrence of U.S.-Japan alliance.
>'In response, Admiral Paparo stated that the importance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance has never been higher amidst an increasingly severe security environment, and he also stated that he would like to cooperate with Japan to achieve a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific."'